Recent content by Lantern_lad

  1. Lantern_lad

    80's GI Joe soundtracks from the Sunbow days

    Not sure if anyone wants these... doesn't seem like there's much interest on many of the other sites. To get them to play in your iTunes, click the "download" button once the file is done double click it, if iTunes is your default MP3 player it should automatically upload into there and begin...
  2. Lantern_lad

    Frank & Son's Haul yesterday!

    Picked up all of this yesterday by trading some prequel Star Wars figures... I ended up paying $16. Very happy with the haul... What does it take to get into the BST threads here? I have a lot of parts & pieces, weapons & what-nots I'd like to offer up for trade (I need a lot of...
  3. Lantern_lad

    Renegades Wave 1

    Since I do not have access to the "Sightings" thread for some reason, I wanted to let anyone in the Southern California area know that there are about 3 cases worth of wave 1 Renegades figures at the San Bernardino Wal Mart (at University & the 215 freeway). May not be the appropriate place to...