Home > Conventions > Merit Shows off JSI F-14 at iHobby Expo
Merit International brings us new photos of JS International's 1:18 scale F-14 Tomcat from the iHobby Expo currently going on between October 22-25 in Rosemont, Illinois. The newly unveiled, fully painted F-14 is nothing new to us as Merit has showed us pictures of the painted model over the past few weeks, but we are also treated to a possible upcoming surprise!

Merit Shows off JSI F-14 at iHobby Expo

11At the heads up of The Fighting 1:18th forum member Beeavision, Merit International brings us new photos of JS International’s 1:18 scale F-14 Tomcat from the iHobby Expo currently going on between October 22-25 in Rosemont, Illinois. The newly unveiled, fully painted F-14 is nothing new to us as Merit has showed us pictures of the painted model over the past few weeks, but we are also treated to a possible upcoming surprise!

In the pictures you’ll notice brand new carrier deck crew figures and vehicles! The crew figures are representations of the various crewmen needed to conduct flight deck operations, each colored jacket corresponds to a particular job. Also pictured are two new vehicles: a tow vehicle, with tow bar, and a safety vehicle. We don’t have any firm information if these figures and vehicles will be made, but they look incredible and we hope that JSI will be bringing these to us shortly.

Merit also had a box pictured as well containing a disassembled F-14. Could this be a possible configuration for retail packaging? We don’t suspect so, but we do admit that the box design is a rather smart if it does prove to be a prototype retail package. This is probably just the carrying system used by Merit to shuttle their F-14 around to the various shows.

More news as it becomes available.

You can participate in The Fighting 1:18th Sewing Circle (Our Forum) here: http://forums.fighting118th.com/showthread.php?t=1182

Pictures from Merit below and available at: http://www.merit-intl.com/month/chicago%20f-14.htm

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About Paul Pratt

Father, Husband, Writer, Sarcastic Ass.

One comment

  1. Thank you so much for this new information.

    The photos and detail are amazing, and I really am looking forward to this release.

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