Happy TOP GUN Day from everyone at the Fighting 1:18th!
In case you were uninformed, today, May 13th is the OFFICIAL TOP GUN day, as told to us by www.topgunday.com of course!
A movie of TOP GUN’s caliber certainly deserves its own official day, so go forth!
What do you do on TOP GUN Day? Well.. from the official website itself.. “What is Top Gun Day? Well it’s like talk like a pirate day, only way cooler because it allows you to quote Top Gun all day long, where aviator sunglasses (no matter how cheap), pretend you’re a fighter pilot (“it’s time to buzz the fridge”), play volleyball in jeans, and drink Hemlock–wait, wait–I mean ICE water. Participating in Top Gun Day is so easy even Slider can do it!”.
Also, they have a really (REALLY) awesome Call-sign Generator.. check it out: Call-sign Generator! I’m officially Lt. Paul “Corndog” Ernst now!
You can feel free to jump in to the festivities on our official TOP GUN Day thread on our forums by clicking: Here.
♪ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ …take me on your mighty wings, take me on your mighty wings!!!!!!!!!!! ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪