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Hard Corps: Uprising Review

Hard Corps: Uprising Review

Contra has always been known for their unique levels.  Uprising continues this trend.  It’s hard to appreciate the level design when your fighting off some many enemies at one time and avoiding explosions.  You will jump from a Jungle battling robotic gators and taking out snipers to a desert destroying a giant sand worm.  My personal favorite level is in the middle of the game when your battling on a highway with police cars on your flank crashing into you.

You will of course battle some difficult and insane Bosses,  as that’s one of the trademarks in a Control game.  You will also experience some surprises like an escort mission,  some stealth tactics that will remind you of Metal Gear and a unique level that has you running left instead of right!

Hard Corps has an excellent soundtrack that is a nice homage to the series.  The graphics are HD with a anime cartoon like style that is new to the series.  At first I wasn’t a fan however over time they grew on me.

The gameplay is classic run and gun Contra and it’s awesome!  Some new moves have been added to the series.  Your character can dash and dash in mid air which helps greatly when the battle gets heated.  You can also double jump and deflect enemy projectiles.  If you download the DLC character Sayuri,  you will only be using swords and hand to hand combat.

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About Tim Kraemer

Tim is a mook who likes to drink, play video games, and other stuff. He's Monkeywrench on our forums! Buy him a drink, friend for life!

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