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Medal of Honor: Frontline Review

Medal of Honor: Frontline Review

In 2002,  First Person Shooters were much different than they are today.  They weren’t dominated by online and multiplayer modes.  My interest in games were mostly toward action/adventure,  role playing and sports.  A game that I passed on in 2002 was Medal of Honor: Frontline.

Enter 2012,  as I was picking up my copy of the rebooted Medal of Honor that was released in 2010,  I noticed a key feature on the games cover.  A re-mastered HD version MOH: Frontline.  This was a exclusive to the PS3 version of the game.  Frontline was developed by EA and originally released for the PS2 and later released for the Xbox and Game Cube.

Frontline takes place during Word War 2 and starts with Operation Overload.  You play the entire game as Lt. Jimmy Patterson who was the hero of the first ever Medal of Honor.  You take your orders from the Office of Strategic Services.  Your primary mission is to locate a secret advanced Jet named HO-IX.  Along the way,  the OSS will send you to assist with Operation Market Garden,  you will hunt down a SS Officer,  disrupt a German U-Boat and sabotage a German Train.

The story mode takes place over 6 main missions with several sub levels in each main mission.  Each mission has a briefing before hand using real war footage with a excellent introduction.  You find out your main objectives during the introduction and get notified of the tasks during the mission too.

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About Tim Kraemer

Tim is a mook who likes to drink, play video games, and other stuff. He's Monkeywrench on our forums! Buy him a drink, friend for life!

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