The paint job is actually rather nice. In previous pictures you can see a lot of attention to the little details. Buckles, zippers, etc. I have only minor nitpicks, and likely that it’s not the same for everybody. The smudge of purple on the strap crossing the chest, and there’s some inconsistencies with the sunglasses. Other than that, I can’t complain about the paint job. In fact, to me it’s probably one of the only things that redeems this toy to any degree, though I can’t say honestly that it does all that much to change my opinion.
Hawkeye comes with two bows, one or the other can then plug into the launcher that I am guessing is supposed to be what takes the place of the string, so that it can fire one of these three massive red missiles that they dare call arrows. Okay, okay.. so it does fire pretty far and at least you get the draw and release motion if you MUST have it, but seriously? They look absolutely ridiculous. The missiles don’t lock and fire with a push-button, you just load them, pull back on the stem and then release.
So, there’s no place to store anything, the “arrows” are over-sized, the launcher is just silly and totally throws everything off. I’d have been happier with a string that was part of the bows cast, rather than this launcher.
“How in the hell am I supposed to use this?”
“Well, this is a little better.”
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