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The Future of Action Figures?

The Future of Action Figures?

logo_seal_small-150x150In my younger years I played with action figures,  legos,  toy guns,  hot wheels and video games.  I’ve continued to play video games throughout my teens and adult life.  It seems these days,  children tend to skip the toys and move right to video games and of course iwhatever.  Action figures are still aimed at children and companies continue to provide numbers that children make up a large percentage of their sales however the life cycle on a typical toy line these days is less then a year.  Most toy lines are based off a movie like the newest Iron Man or Batman.  These lines tend to jump out of the gate quick, a month or so before the movies release.  Collectors and children buy the first wave of product,  go to the movie opening weekend and the kids go back to playing the newest Call of Duty while the collectors watch the figures clog the pegs and eventually go on clearance.  In October 2011,  the video game publisher known as Activision partnered with developer Toys For Bob to bring in the future of action figures.


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About Tim Kraemer

Tim is a mook who likes to drink, play video games, and other stuff. He's Monkeywrench on our forums! Buy him a drink, friend for life!


  1. who’s to say that the figures wouldn’t be 1:18th?

  2. Haha to the below comment..


  3. Let Us Hope This IS NOT The future of action figures in regards to anything 1/18th

  4. “I think it would be amazing to have a game based on the Marvel Franchises like X-Men and Avengers and dare I say a franchise that is important to almost everybody on this site. G.I.Joe.”

    First, they have to make a compelling game for the G.I.Joe franchise.

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