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Medal of Honor 2010 vs 2012?

Medal of Honor 2010 vs 2012?

There’s only one Medal to give out, who get’s the Honor?

I have been an avid fan of the Medal of Honor series since it’s debut on the Sony PlayStation in 1999. However, much has been made about the ‘failure’ of the modern Medal of Honor sequel, “Warfighter“. With the original garnering a 74 average rating on Metareview, how did the sequel manage to only rate a 53?

Even our own Tim Kramer gave the original Medal of Honor a 7/10 rating, while he gave Warfighter a 5/10. And he’s a notoriously easy reviewer!

You can read his review of Medal of Honor (2010) here.

You can read his review of Medal of Honor – Warfighter here.

Why is there such a discrepancy? Sequels are usually made to capitalize on the strengths and remove the weaknesses of the original. Read page two for my take on where I think they went wrong with the latest installment.

There are SPOILERS galore throughout this piece, so be forewarned!


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