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Starwarsgeek.ecrater.com SALE!!!!

Starwarsgeek.ecrater.com SALE!!!!

This just in!

Fellow fighting 118ther StarWarsGeek is having a SALE on May 4th 2013 for Star Wars Day.  This is a one day sale only.

Star Wars day, May 4th, is considered a National Holiday by Star Wars fans all across the world. This day of the year was selected by fans based on the pun “May the 4th be with you” instead of the Star Wars catch phrase “May the Force be with you”. Star Wars fans celebrate this day in many different ways and celebrations.

To honor this day, Starwarsgeek has decided to run the sale, but not just on Star Wars Sculpts, on his entire store. Follow the jump for the details.

Check out the details here.


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About Kirk Downie

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