Today’s activities start at 10am. You can find a full list of today’s panels HERE!
We’re still waiting for NSA on some final sets of pictures from other booths and lines, but it’s been a busy weekend for our fearless leader, especially with attending SDCC on his birthday! Once he gets that information in, we’ll be putting it up for your viewing pleasure. Until then, you’ll just have to look back on what we’ve already gotten for you this weekend!
I’ll start off with a look back at Hasbro. We had some hope for GI Joe this year, and while we’ve received the news that there won’t be anything new this year aside from what we’ve already seen, we did find out a couple things about the continuation of the line, AND we finally saw some in package proof of the Night Landing Raft’s existence. GI Joe will be moving onward into its 50th anniversary in 2014, and they say there are some surprises in store. Perhaps we’ll see some more of the concept case figures brought to life. They surprised us with that ‘Ultimate’ Cobra Commander after all, there could be more in store. Overall, though, this years showing was a disappointment.
You can look at the gallery HERE, and read more information HERE, as well as more pictures from Duffmann and TofuJesse!
As we move on into Star Wars, we find things about as bad there as they were in the first wave of GI Joe Retaliation. There’s some great things coming, like the Black line in 3.75″ and 6″ varieties. But there you get to things like the Saga Legends, which are inarticulate lumps of plastic best suited for Happy Meal toys. Has Hasbro forgotten what year this is? Now, I understand that their excuse is to save on costs. And I understand that kids today just aren’t as into the same toys we were when we were kids. But isn’t it also our responsibility as adults, collectors, and parents, to push them towards these things, rather than keep up the cycle of inundating them with electronics? Sometimes we have to lead by example. Everyone complains about what they give us(and I admit I’m no better a lot of the time), but the only way to make things better is to help the market by actually buying what we like and ignoring what we don’t, and getting our kids involved to do the same. Keep the cycle moving.
We’ve got more information and pictures from NSA over HERE!
Now we move on to Marvel, which wasn’t as depressing. Sure, we got the news that the Universe line is ending and being rebranded, but it seems as if the line will continue onward with some focus. Avengers now, X-Men later, and who knows what will follow. The point is they’ll do their best to keep things moving forward, so that’s a plus in my book. Besides, ending the Universe line with Omega Red is a hell of a way to go!
You’ll find more information and some pictures HERE!