I’m not one to toot my own horn. All I can really say it is an honor to be listed with the artists stated before me. I try to be as versatile an artist as I can be and I look forward to learning so much from this Custom Con.
Final Thoughts
There you have it. These are our featured artists for the Con. In my opinion we have some of the best talent that will be represented. I could not think of a single how-to question that won’t be answered with the talent that will be there.
I would like to point out that Fogger1138 will be at the con as well. He is responsible for bringing The Fighting 118th all our great comic reviews. Fogger is a hell of a nice guy and easily approached. A valuable asset to our site. Got a comic question, Fogger should have you covered.
Thanks for reading and see you at the con!
*The opinions in this editorial are those of the author and the author alone, not the Fighting 118.