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Tutorial: Hockey Tape Webgear

Tutorial: Hockey Tape Webgear

Prolific customizer and forum Officer Rick is well-known for his modern-era military figures and dioramas.  His skill at seamlessly blending parts from different toylines and different manufacturers results in some truly unique action figures, some of which are based on actual people.

Rick was kind enough to share his techniques for making realistic webgear, using materials we wouldn’t normally associate with toy soldiers:  Hockey tape and Lego sail material.

Now, in our hobby there is no single best way to do things.  Other customizers have used Lego sail, medical tape, and even cheap masking tape to make great-looking chest rigs, tac vests and armor plate carriers, and we believe Rick’s own methods are a fantastic addition to anyone’s customizing repertoire.

Head over to page 2 to start!


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About Chris Navarro

Chris is from Australia, where everything is trying to kill you. Maybe even this post.

One comment

  1. Outstanding! Glad to see this.

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