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X Review: Avengers Assemble Iron Man

X Review: Avengers Assemble Iron Man


Through the Marvel Multiverse, there is one Iron Man ‘standard’, from Earth 616:

“Tony Stark was enrolled in boarding school at six, where he would soon start experimenting with erector sets. He went on to be his high school valedictorian. He then joins an undergraduate program at MIT where he majored in physics and engineering. Double majors in physics and engineering were easy for him. He drifted into his 20’s and became the idle rich. Shiftless and rootless and traipsed around the world turning into a jet set playboy adventurer. When he was 21, he inherited his father’s business, Stark Industries, and within a few years turned it into a multi-billion dollar industry complex whose chief contracts were for advanced weaponry and munitions for the U.S. government. Also buying the company that built the car and redesigned the brakes and fixed any of its future flaws.”

“Stark went to Afghanistan to supervise a field test for one of his transistorized weapons. He ignored concerns that security was insufficient. Stark tripped on a booby trap and a piece of shrapnel was lodged in his chest. The gravely injured Stark was taken captive by the revolutionary leader Wong-Chu, and was informed that within a week the shrapnel would penetrate his heart and kill him. Wong-Chu offered Stark a deal: if he built a powerful weapon, Wong-Chu would allow Stark to undergo an operation to save his life. Knowing this was a lie, Stark agreed, hoping to gain time and access to tools.”

From the Marvel Wikipedia


Avengers Assemble is a TV cartoon series that takes place in Earth-TRN123. The following is an excerpt from Iron Man’s entry in the Marvel Wikipedia:

“Tony Stark is a brilliant inventor and CEO of Stark Industries. He was one of the founding members of the Avengers. He built his armor while held hostage by terrorists in Afghanistan, using his brilliant technical know how to escape. Once back in the United States he uses his new invention to become the hero Iron Man.”

From the Marvel Wikipedia

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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

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