Our Official Figure Pic One-Shot Thread continues to play host to a wealth of great toy photos taken by our talented members.
August was no different – there were tons of fantastic 1:18 pics posted, and once again I must reiterate how difficult it was to choose just one.
But choose we did, and now please allow us to present the Fighting 1:18th Photo of the Month for August 2014: this awesome WW2 shot from forum member Preacher13.
We do love our modern military and our Acid Rain World toys, our sci-fi and superhero figures, but it’s the historically-themed ones that strike a chord with many of our members.
What tipped the scales though was the fact that he took his toys outside and played with them in the dirt – just like we used to do when we were kids.
Well done, Preacher13!
Check out the Official Figure Pic One-Shot Thread for more cool shots, and don’t hesitate to share your own work – we’re always on the lookout for the next Photo of the Month!