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  • I dont mind at all. I have a couple of both so just tell me where to send them.
    Hey bro, I would gladly give you $4 a figure plus the loose shipping costs if you could pick me up the Leather Jacket mini Skirt Amy Pond and the Dr with the Tench coat (not sure number) if your Walgreens has them. They the only ones I still need/want to get. I could paypal the cash at any point. Before or after you get them. Thanks and no worries if you can not.
    Welcome to Officer's club. Be sure to jump in and check out the officer only contests we have going on, we always have contest(s) going on for officers.
    She needs a head swap but other than that she ain't bad , I have a short haired head I am going to put on her and I'll keep the club headsculpt in a baggie. I know it is supposes to be the same head as Sparta but they don't look anything alike to me.
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