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  1. M

    My Customs

    Krexx sculpted the head and torso for Angleforge
  2. M

    My Customs

    a bit of motivation lately s3 by mswi, on Flickr s by mswi, on Flickr s1 by mswi, on Flickr s2 by mswi, on Flickr s5 by mswi, on Flickr s4 by mswi, on Flickr
  3. M

    My Customs

    its a god damn secret!!!! :) BnB Sarge head (Krexx also sculpted a head) Torso sculpted by Krexx Ret. RB arms, with dremmeled wrists from MU Crossbones for the wristbands MU Absorbing man upper legs MU Crossbones lower legs Bazooka hands ditty bag, itty bitty ditty bag from Avac's lab Baton...
  4. M

    My Customs

    been awhile.... s by mswi, on Flickr s0 by mswi, on Flickr s1 by mswi, on Flickr s2 by mswi, on Flickr s2 by mswi, on Flickr
  5. M

    My Customs

    yes he is awful, which us the way I prefer my Joe's!. thanks
  6. M

    My Customs

    gristlefront by mswi, on Flickr g by mswi, on Flickr g0 by mswi, on Flickr g1 by mswi, on Flickr
  7. M

    My Customs

    f by mswi, on Flickr f5 by mswi, on Flickr w by mswi, on Flickr w1 by mswi, on Flickr w4 by mswi, on Flickr
  8. M

    My Customs

    s by mswi, on Flickr s0 by mswi, on Flickr s2 by mswi, on Flickr s4 by mswi, on Flickr s3 by mswi, on Flickr s10 by mswi, on Flickr s9 by mswi, on Flickr c1 by mswi, on Flickr c0 by mswi, on Flickr c by mswi, on Flickr
  9. M

    My Customs

    s5 by mswi, on Flickr s6 by mswi, on Flickr s7 by mswi, on Flickr s8 by mswi, on Flickr s11 by mswi, on Flickr s12 by mswi, on Flickr
  10. M

    My Customs

    for the MUTS in the crowd :) Professor Appel - G.I. Joe Wiki - Joepedia - GI Joe, Cobra, toys No Prof. Appel, No Cobra Island p by mswi, on Flickr p0 by mswi, on Flickr p1 by p2 by mswi, on Flickr 74662429@N07/]mswi[/url], on Flickr
  11. M

    My Customs

    Hardly have time anymore but I did manage to finish this one s1 by mswi, on Flickr s2 by mswi, on Flickr s3 by mswi, on Flickr s by mswi, on Flickr s4 by mswi, on Flickr s5 by mswi, on Flickr s6 by mswi, on Flickr s8 by mswi, on Flickr s8 by mswi, on Flickr
  12. M

    My Customs

    torsoa nd legs sculpted by Krexx for the Angelforge c by mswi, on Flickr c0 by mswi, on Flickr c1 by mswi, on Flickr c2 by mswi, on Flickr c3 by mswi, on Flickr
  13. M

    My Customs

    still slumping but managed to finish this guy over the months. o by mswi, on Flickr 00 by mswi, on Flickr o1 by mswi, on Flickr o2 by mswi, on Flickr
  14. M

    My Customs

    More ARAH Fagness..........................Suck it Trebek! m by mswi, on Flickr m1 by mswi, on Flickr m2 by mswi, on Flickr m5 by mswi, on Flickr m6 by mswi, on Flickr
  15. M

    My Customs

    Thanks Eddie
  16. M

    My Customs

    Uhm h0 by mswi, on Flickr h1 by mswi, on Flickr h2 by mswi, on Flickr
  17. M

    My Customs

  18. M

    My Customs

    Some crappy phone pics of some wips the 1st one will be Mangler and have another that I'll turn into Recondo but I can't decide one the 3rd. LRRP SE, Dr X, Nam Colton, or counter revolutionary????
  19. M

    best paints/products for harnesses and flexi plastic

    nothing beats proper prep. washing the mold release off factory parts with warm soapy water and a toothbrush will serve you better than any primer will. Testors paint is is better in my opinion
  20. M

    My Customs

    So I guess that means you won't be in on the bidding when I auction him off for charity and money to go towards marauder Gun-Runners weapons huh?