Cable by TheVP


Jan 2, 2013
Don't get too excited, not X-Men related. Its Cable from Tiger Force.

Whats that you say? There is no Cable in Tiger Force, but there is my friend. He was one of the International ones, my reference pic is below.

In my "Sessions with Psyche-Out" Land, The International Tiger Force guys have appeared and cause trouble for pretty much everyone. No one knows who they are or where they came from, but they seem to be after the same thing as Interrogator. Second in my Intl TF series is Cable.

Figure is a simple repaint of a 25th tripwire, with a headswap of POC snowjob. My International Tiger Force is older than the regular Joes, and they fight dirty. Cable is just dirty period. You want to know what he had for his last meal, just look at his beard. He likes heavy metal music, and making homeade explosives. He is loud, obnoxious, and one of the best at arming and disabling explosives.