Custom ReAction Rick Deckard/Blade Runner


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
I made this mostly because I had enough spare parts sitting around when the idea hit. All the parts come from ReAction retro-style figures.

Body-Marcellus Wallace (Pulp Fiction)
Head-Kane (Alien)
Coat-vinyl cover off an old 3-ring binder
Pistol-LEGO weapon from Brickmania

Not much re-working involved, I had to "erase" the buttons down the front as they were sculpted off to one side. Then I used epoxy putty to make a traditional collar and tie. The hair also had to be "erased" and a new hairline sculpted. After that it was just painting and sealing and making the coat. I made that by getting an image of a vintage Obi-Won Kenobi cape, tracing the outline, figuring where the arm holes and bottom edge would be, printing it off to the right size, tracing that onto the scrap vinyl I had and cutting the whole thing out. It worked pretty well the first time...I had to do a little cutting on the lower edge to get the length right. I'm not sure the color of the coat is right, but this is supposed to look like a figure from the 70's/early 80's and let's face it, they didn't always try to be 100% accurate. Same with trying to match the color of the arms to the vinyl.

The pistol is almost too small, but seeings how the scale of vintage figures was all over the place, and the size of their weapons as well, I think it looks good enough. Plus I don't feel very positive about sculpting weapons.
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