The skull helmets didn't pan out. They were too brittle when trying to dremmel them to fit the marauders heads. HOWEVER! I still completed them with the Marauder flight helmets and accessories. Each of them still have the NVGs for night-time flight Ops. When I have more surplus cash, I'll update the crappy Gunners for marauders replacements as well.That’s far better than the original pilots. I love the Marauders figures and accessories. Did you paint the helmet or is that a decal?
Thanks for the advice, I’ll definitely check out their site. I never thought about dying the colors and I grew up in the 60’s and 70’sTo paint the white pants? I'd dye them with RIT synthetic. They have recipes for a zillion colors on their site... just don't leave stuff very long, as it can get darker than you want very quickly. 30 sec quick dips, rinse, check, and repeat as necessary.
If you insist on paint, I prefer Vallejo and Tamiya acrylics, but you'll need to sand the joints down or anything will rub/flake, and I recommend using a thin primer too. Vallejo makes primers in various colors, not just black, white, or grey so you can start with a primer that's close to your final color. Then at the end, a top coat of matte clear acrylic to protect it.
I know, right, I have replaced several GI Joe heads with ones from Star Wars or other figures over the years. The male head sculpts usually looked better than the females for some reason.Definitely a lot cuter than the original.
That’s cool! I wish I had a nice looking creek in my backyard; that would be awesome. I instantly pictured several river crossing dioramas of troop/vehicles fording the stream. Outdoor pictures deserve a double thumbs up![]()
Thanks! I'm really happy with them. The only thing left to add is a medical strecher to the hood of the assault variant. Waiting on shipping...Spectacular work!