Ahh okay that makes sense. So the 7" ultimates are giant o-ring? Or do they have more articulation like a 12" doll?
I thought Super7 was the brand not the size.
I'm out of the loop lol I miss my RoC and PoC toys
7" Ultimates are not o-ring. They have basic ARAH articulation plus ball-necks, an ab joint, and foot swivel, but that's it. No double jointed knees and elbows, no butterfly joints, no thigh or boot swivels, no drop-down hips. I'd call their articulation ARAH+, but certainly not Classified or Legends class.
Super7 is the company name. They make Joes in 3.75" 5PoA (ReAction), 3.75" o-ring (ReAction+), and 7" (Ultimates).
But Super7 makes stuff for a zillion different franchises. They're collector focused, higher priced, SLOW AS HELL (rarely ever more than two waves a year for any franchise), and character selection/decos are all over the place... really just on the whims of the designers. Just look at the first few waves of their Simpsons ultimates... crazy choices. It's a shame they got in a fight with Disney and lost all those licenses.