G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions


Mostly Ignored
Officer Club
May 13, 2011
i am trying to quit mega bloks and sell everything off...but I keep buying stuff and building instead...


"Big Guns"
I tend to buy smaller sets with new/interesting parts for customs, and then I only pick up larger sets on clearance. I'm not paying MSRP for any Mega product over $20, as they ALWAYS go on sale for 40% off at some later date.

However, the game is changing with TRU gone. The number of places to buy this stuff keeps shrinking, so who knows how much longer we'll be getting cool junk like this. I definitely haven't spent nearly as much this year as in the past few. Just not that much new product has been released.


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
Just got back from a freshly remodeled (couldn’t tell) Walmart and the huge aisle of Mega Construx vanished. They had a Wall section by the transformers with just single and packs of figures, but not a single freaking set. None in the clearance section either. This is looking bad for the future...


"Big Guns"
My WM reset a few weeks ago, and it did move Mega to the TF/Marvel isle as opposed to the LEGO section. The number of sets is down, just singles and some of the four-figure packs. The actual sets went on clearance. I agree that Mega is going to have to do something different, otherwise there will be no outlets for these outside of amazon.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
The good stuff always goes fast. You have to be the lucky shlub that happens to be there at the right moment. Only time I can remember that happening to me has been with a couple BBI clearance items at Target and the 21st Super Cobra at a Walmart near a job site I happened upon. Can you believe I had to nurse that Cobra back home on a flight? That took some serious creative cardboard work.


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
I saw every frickin jet and helo on clearance at Target and only bought a lil bird. I just had yet to commit to collecting outside of the Joe figures and the bird was my first vehicle.

I can’t believe not a single MB set was anywhere, even crappy ones you’d expect to linger for months.


"Big Guns"
Oh certainly. It's what got everyone all lathered up about MOTU MB figures. I think the reaction to this is the sole reason we're getting the MOTU Heroes and upcoming Windraider. And it's why I think we'll eventually see a full castle set.

I bought a clear blue Warcarft MB armored tiger when I realized that's what they made Battlecat out of. I haven't done anything with it, but I have it. I later decided I needed a second for Panthor, and apparently a lot of people have the same idea, as they're now priced as if made from unicorn tears.


"Big Guns"
I'm probably in for a $300 Greyskull. I'd have preferred something more like $200, but it's a specialty line, not something that's going to be carried much of anywhere. Without old-school TRU, Amazon will likely be the only outlet by default. Maybe the amazon price will be a tad better than the mexican equivalent. Without a struggling retailer heavily discounting scads of them, it's not going to drop to $80 like the TMNT dome.


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
It’ll have to be bigger than that SDCC one for me to bite at $300. I cringe every time I see my $250 Enterprise being sold for $90 on Amazon and I’d have thought that would have sold better than anything He-man considering the nerd reach across the decades that Star Trek has.


"Big Guns"
I think the numbers on Trek fans are grossly exaggerated. Original fans of the original show are in their sixties by now, probably not buying a lot of legos. More modern fans probably like other iterations besides the Kirk/Spock version. I dunno, I've always looked at Trek fandom with a healthy does of skepticism. Seems like they desperately want it to be a bigger deal than it actually is. Space franchise envy...

But again, all of the big MB sets like the Enterprise, Technodrome, and CoD Hovercraft had oversupply due to TRU. Everyone bought one at release or on clearance, and supply still exists, thus they're cheap. I anticipate no such problem with Greyskull, as the number of outlets for big-$$$ sets has shrunk substantially. I expect people who wait on the castle will end up being really sad when Amazon sells out, no one else carries any, and they suddenly cost $800 on ebay. Cue nerd-rage.

Based on the parts count, it's about 30% more than the Hovercraft. That's why I think it should be closer to $200-$250, but again, it'll probably sell a fraction of the units, thus requiring a higher cost.


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
Since Mega can’t number the bags due to Lego’s patent and the fact it took me an entire evening and a box of sammich bags just to sort on all those grey and black parts with both the LCAC and Enterprise, I won’t cry if I miss out on paying $300 to sort +3000 greenish bricks for a property I didn’t care about in the 80’s, 90’s or 2000’s. Of course my mind could change really fast once we have pictures.


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
Hmm... I mean my Enterprise bags were numbered, they just didn't mean a dang thing. Not sure I have purchased a kit since then so hopefully they really have matched the bags to the steps in the manual.


"Big Guns"
Supposedly, but I haven't bought a big set from them lately. I have so many to build, and so many more that I bought for parts... but I haven't opened them b/c I don't feel like sorting. Plus, I fear that the minute I open some of the "parts" sets, I'll learn that they're made of unicorn tears and I'll have ruined the chance to liquidate in favor of some other cheap sets that will do just as well for parts.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
I just figured since there is all sorts of ALIENS merchandise being made, heck and even more merchandise from the other movies AND the whole AVP thing, that surely it was big enough to create a line for. I would say it has just as much material to draw from and popularity as He-man, but that's splitting hairs. But I will say that I know outside of ALIEN and ALIENS, the other movies don't have as strong a pull. I would throw ALIEN 3 in there, but there's still a lot of people who don't care for that.

I dunno....just wishful thinking on my behalf. Hell, they went and made a Colonial Marine and a creature, that's more than I thought we'd ever see and it's not like they were able to do that 100% from parts off the shelf. If they invested in that, surely they could do a few vehicles and maybe a playset without feeling like it has to be a line that will run for years. They made the two figures, so they already opened the door.
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Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
Went to a place called "The Neutral Zone" in St. Louis on Friday with the family. They have tons of old arcade cabinet games and some toys. They had a tub of LEGO minifig parts and you could build one for $5. I had been longing for an opportunity like this as I wanted to build figures resembling the characters form the Movie "The Thing" (80's version). I was going to attempt getting the parts from Ebay, but it would have been a slow and tedious process, and probably would have cost me more in the long run. Anyway, I managed to build 4 with a 5th one being 90% done, just need to find a head. Some of the parts weren't the right color, so I'll have to spray paint them....which I don't like. Doesn't seem as "official".


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
Here's my "The Thing" group shot. The only ones I had finished up till our trip last Friday were Macready (bomber jacket & blue hood) and Blair (old man with coffee mug). I wasn't happy with Mac's head as it was more classic LEGO minifig...I just didn't like the look of it. Got a replacement on Friday so switched it out. Blair I'm pretty happy with except the hair color....his is actually light blonde in the film, not grey, but I don't want to have to paint it by hand.

Clark on the far left I'm pretty happy with except I had to paint his ball cap the color you see, I don't like having to do that, it feels like cheating, but no one cares but me. And most of the time it boils down to either buying a piece that's the right color or using a piece I have and saving money by repainting it. Windows is next, he's also pretty good except I had to paint his hair as well. Then next is Palmer....I've got a lot of work to do on him, I won't even get into that. Then there's Garry, he too is pretty well finished, just need to get a revolver to put in his holster. Blair I've already mentioned, then the headless guy is Nauls. He needs a head and his upper body either repainted or replaced, Mac needs some hair and the last is Childs, who is pretty much finished. I've got three others to round out the cast and I don't have any parts for them yet.


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All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Saw the MoTU 5 pack today. Also saw Man-at-Arms, but Evil-Lyn was already gone. Almost grabbed Hellboy, but passed.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Yup, Walmart. I should pick them up, as the only dupes would be He-Man and Skeletor. I don't need another line to hunt, though.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Oh, Jesus. I'd say it'll come down once these get out there, but the distribution is spotty at the very best.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
So which set is new? At the WM's in my area we have the Data (STTNG) battle damaged Alien, T-800 and T1000. Then at Five Below I saw the Beastman, Fry, Bender wave, Teala was all gone.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
The newest is Hellboy/Man-at-Arms/Evil-Lyn/Kratos (God of War)/Endoskeleton/Ezio (Assassin's Creed). Keep in mind, these were supposed to be out last August, and there was a 5th wave (of unknown composition) due in November.

EE has said 5th wave slated for a January release, but I wouldn't count on it.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Found Evil-Lyn, and in as much as I didn't find any of the new LEGO CMFs early, I said fuck it. I'll need to grab Man-At-Arms, too. Guess I'll wait and see if the 5 pack goes on clearance, as Teela is a distinct no-go in the wild.
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