G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
Received this yesterday from Walmart.com since the brick and mortar stores around me never bothered to carry them. :mad: Very nice, took maybe an hour and a half to build. This is the biggest Mega Construx item I've put together. Only one piece was missing but I had an extra that was close enough.

Now they simply MUST do a group of eggs, Ripley and a power loader, THEY MUST!!


"Big Guns"
I decided to add another set of china-bricks to my collection before we give china the heave-ho as a trading partner. 3000pcs.

This one is just too cool, especially with the LED kit. I don't collect Star Wars legos, but I can see my MC Mindbender making this some kind of trap for Joes. I'm a sucker for macguffin devices. As a set piece in an evil lab, it should be pretty great.



Have Gun Will Travel
May 28, 2013
Does anyone here buy any of Brickmania's stuff? I splurged and picked up two Apollo astronauts for my lunar lander. They got some great military vehicles and figures. I like their Hind, Pave Hawk, and Humvee ambulance. And for a mere $1,365 I can get all three. Or I can spend next to nothing for a shitload of those Chiner bloks and make my own custom stuff. Not sure why Brickmania prices their sets ten times higher than other companies, but they're still in business, so somebody buys them...


"Big Guns"
Agreed. It's easy enough to get a blueprint image, overlay it on a brick pattern, and make your own out of cheap bricks from china. They come out better looking, end up being substantially cheaper, and fit the MCX figures... because you designed them to do so. Brickmania is for less-than-capable people with more money than sense.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
Now I'm wanting a LEGO style ALIENS APC. The only (ready to buy) ones I can find are from Brickmania, which is now out of stock, and a LEGO Technic version that seems to only be available through Aliexpress.
US $61.12 30% OFF|Buildmoc Compatible technic Aliens APC M557Armored Vehicle Block Set Military World War Army Model Toy For Kids Armored Car|Blocks| - AliExpress

I've never dealt with Aliexpress, and I'm not sure from the description of the bricks are KO's or 3D printed. I also can't tell if it's in scale with mini figures. I'd rather buy a kit than build my own as I have zero experience using the LEGO program and I don't want to taker a chance on ordering a bunch of parts that may or may not work.


"Big Guns"
I order knock-off legos from Ali all the time. My son got some Ninjago set from china today. But they're 97.6% as good as regular legos at 30% of the price. The only real down side is the 4-8 weeks they typically take to arrive. Slow boat from china indeed.

I ordered the SW Carbon Freeze Chamber from THAT exact seller a couple of weeks ago. It's not here yet, but the ratings for that store are great -- you have to grade Ali sellers on a curve, anything above 96-97% is pretty good. Out of probably 50 orders, I've had a problem with exactly two, and both times Ali gave my money back with little fuss.

I think that set is a scooch large for MCX figures but not much. Technic sets aren't typically designed for minifigs, but MCX figures are larger than lego figs... realistically, you could probably get away with it.

Order, be free of lego's price-fixing, and enjoy. Just don't be in a hurry about it. ;)
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Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
Thanks for the feedback Nacho. May I ask what a MCX figure is?

In related news, the WM I work at finally received the Mega Construx series with Dutch and Predator.....FOUR MONTHS after their initial release. We also received the Predator/thermal Dutch set posted earlier, which surprised me. I thought it was an online exclusive? And the skulls for the Predator do look like they came from the Scareglow mold. Anyway, I grabbed one of those and an extra single carded Predator. I'm thinking about grabbing a few more to flip as the prices have gone up a bit on the secondary, but I don't know if I want to bother with that.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
" MCX is just the accepted internet shorthand for "Mega Construx". "

D'oh, of course! I should have figured that out.


"Big Guns"
Nice. I haven't built my point dread yet. Not sure if I'm going to put it up top or not.

In the 1981 minicomics, it didn't exist, and then later it just appeared in the background of '82 minicomics one day with no mention, wasn't mentioned by name until the 10th issue (Tale of Teela), and by issue 11 (Power of Point Dread) was THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON EVER. That always struck me as odd. I likely will just let it live within the castle walls, but the boy may have different plans since he confiscated my castle.


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
It’s ridiculous with the birdplane on it, but I kinda like just the room. It’s all temporary for now until a permanent home is found. HeMan vehicles are so gay.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
Was it the mini comics that talked about Heman and Skeletors swords being two parts of a whole, but this wasn't mentioned anywhere else?


"Big Guns"
Yeah, the little comics that came with the figures. Those were produced by staff from DC at the time, IIRC. They really formed my impressions of the He-Man universe. I remember seeing the cartoon and being taken aback at how different it was. I mean, I watched it because it was a cartoon in the 80's, but I was like, "who is this Adam character? He-Man doesn't have an alter ego. He's not superman!" And this numbnuts Orko, truly the jar-jar of the 80's, was nowhere to be found in the gritty little comics, thank goodness.

In the last couple of years, they published a big thick hardback of all the minicomics. I can't sit here and say that it's shakespeare. Once you get past the first 15 or so, the quality of writing and art declines dramatically. But those first few where the sword has two parts, he-man lives in a hut, and Teela is a blonde warrior chic clone of the sorceress... those are a cool nostalgia trip.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
I decided to check out the LEGO/MC stuff today at work and was surprised to fid a NEW set of MC figures! One of which was a "phasing/decloaking" Predator. I had no idea they were doing this, snatched it up quick.
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Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
Can any of you MCX collectors suggest a figure or combo of figures, that would have fatigue pants, a t-shirted upper torso and a head with a baseball cap? I'd like the t-shirt and cap to be of military colors (brown, OD green, grey, tan) but I'll take what I can get.


"Big Guns"
There are plenty of CoD guys with fatigue pants and caps. Newer CoD figures have removable headgear, so you can swap the cap onto a different noggin with sunglasses or a beard or whatever you're after. And there exists a CoD torso with a buttonless shirt. These things come in every military color. You're likely looking at mixing and matching parts from a few figures to get the exact combination you're looking for.

That's how it starts.... one lazy-bastard custom, and now I probably have 700 of the little buggers.

I'd check Dollar General, as they seem to still carry the multi-packs, and you might be able to spot the useful parts you need. Just note, CoD/Destiny and Halo/MOTU use slightly different construction, so the arms, waist, and torsos are not 100% compatible. The heads and legs are pretty universal. You should try to stick to one flavor for most of the parts, and I would suggest CoD for any real-world-ish military customs, as your part selection will be substantially greater.

Another good source is ebay, just browsing the multitudes of loose figures, and Aliexpress has a lot of KO figures -
but they are often not 100% compatible with official stuff, so I try to keep the KOs mixed and matched to themselves.

And of course, if you can't find everything in the right colors, these things are easy to paint. Although I always strive to find arms and legs in the right colors to minimize the amount of joints that need painting, as they're prone to rubbing.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
Would anyone have a WWII Resistance Fighter Call of Duty Mega Construx Figure loose they would trade or sell? I just need the body (arms, legs, torso, etc, no head). I'm also looking for ALIENS Colonial Marines if anyone has extras they don't want.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Looks pretty cool! Although I think I’d prefer fewer of the custom parts even if it meant more of the Lego studs were visible. The smooth edges make the gaps look more pronounced.


"Big Guns"
They've stopped making virtually any sets over $29, and they've all but given up on the CoD franchise aside from those one-figure crates that DG sells for $12. Only Halo gets "big" sets now, and even then, they're really medium sized (600-1000 pcs), and you have to order them online. Good luck finding jack shit in a WM or Target that isn't a cheap halo set or some kind of buildable Pikachu. I don't understand the idea of paying for a license like CoD and just sitting on it. Did they really sell so poorly that it's cheaper to just keep the license hostage/dormant than putting out actual products?

I love Mega stuff so much, but between being fully infected with Mattel's corporate fuckery and losing TRU as their major sales channel, Mega is a husk of the brand they were 6-7 years ago. The only bright side for consumers is that the chinese brands have picked up some of the slack with some nifty copies and original builds (even though their figures still suck).