Marvel Netflix series


"Big Guns"
Yeah, I'm excited about that. Haven't watched DD yet. I hear it's really good, but I struggle to get excited about that character. He just historically doesn't do it for me, but I plan to try it.

But the Punisher is one of my favs. I'll be all over that. As a huge comic nerd, it's odd, but I just don't get excited about comic book TV shows. They often stray too far from my image of the character, or they take classic stories and twist them until they're barely recognizable. However, the Punisher is more a force of nature, and his classic stories are more about the warring personalities (Jigsaw, Ma Gnucci, Barracuda) than plot points. As long as he's a gun toting vet whose family was accidentally killed by crooks, the rest writes itself.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
The Netflix shows are something all together different than your typical TV CB show. I'd say you won't be disappointed, but you're a much bigger Marvel fan and more importantly, a MUCH bigger comic fan. You KNOW these characters in a way i just never have. For me thats good. If they make changes, I don't even notice unless I'm told.

I think thats pretty much the reason I can't enjoy DC films any longer. They've strayed WAY too far from the DC i grew up with. I just can't stomach it all.

But anyway, if I were you, I'd give them a watch. The tone of the shows draw you in quick. Next thing you know, you've binged watched 10 of the episodes and its 5am and you HAVE to go to bed. :lmao:


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
If you are a punisher fan watch daredevil season 2. Its basically punisher season 0.5

Plus I like the fact that punisher is more than 1 demention character which is why I stopped reading the comics


"Big Guns"
I plan to watch DD. I've PlayOn'd both seasons to watch at my leisure. It's finding the time. I plan to check out Jessica Jones too, as I really enjoyed Bendis's Alias title.... 15 years ago (damn).

But I cannot stand Arrow, Flash, Gotham, Lucifer, Constantine, Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter, and the other crappy "comic" shows. I tried Supergirl just because the actress is a super cutie, but the writing was SOOOO bad. I suffered through three episodes, and that was three hours of my life I'll never get back.

However, I do hear that the Netflix shows are a different breed. they'd have to be to not suck!

Eddie, I'm with you about the DC movies. I own but haven't watched the third Batman. The superman films are all awful. And while I haven't seen it, the word is the BvS film is a trainwreck. I really enjoy the Marvel films that aren't named Fantastic Four. I somehow accept their variations better, at least with Cap and IM. The X-Men are my favorite comic franchise, so while I enjoy those films, I'm harder on them when they stray to far from the source material. Still, FF aside, they're all better than DC films.

Then again, I'm down on DC comics these days too. They can't do anything right. Maybe "Rebirth" will get back some of the post-crisis magic that was lost after Flashpoint.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
DC has just gone in a direction (with all of their material) that i just can't follow. They are on a path that they think is profitable, and it's NOT my cup of tea.

And yeah, I regularly watch Flash, Arrow and (begrudgingly) Legends of Tomorrow. The writing really is terrible...super terrible...i can't lie. Sooooooo much nonsensical behavior from the characters. Soooooo much irrational behavior. In the case of Flash and LoT, the time travel stuff, while cool, gets so screwed up by poor writing. But I keep hanging in there. Its better than theatrical stuff, as sad as that is. :grumpy:

Anyway, the Netflix shows are far beyond that. The writing, acting, production value and cinematography are pretty much movie quality. You can't go wrong there. What i can't vouch for is how much the material is changed from the source material and how much change you can tolerate.


"Big Guns"
Anyway, the Netflix shows are far beyond that. The writing, acting, production value and cinematography are pretty much movie quality. You can't go wrong there. What i can't vouch for is how much the material is changed from the source material and how much change you can tolerate.

It's funny, I can tolerate more deviation from the original stories when it's done well. When it's poorly written, acted, or produced, the comics continuity problems are magnified 10x.

Often I feel bad, like my nerd card is going to be revoked. Had you told me as a kid that we'd have a dozen super hero shows on tv at once, I'd have thought that was nirvana. But now, the minute I hear a show is going to be on network tv, I think, "well, that's just one more show I'll have to skip." And some whole franchises just don't appeal to me... Star Trek, Dr Who? I own roughly 15k-20k comic books, but I wouldn't watch that stuff on a dare.

In a broader sense, I feel like nerddom has gone so mainstream that i'm no longer the target audience. Instead of the core fanbase, they are trying to make everything accessible and palatable to the unwashed masses... and most of it, excluding the Marvel films, really misses the mark.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
I tried watching the Punisher episodes of Dare Devil on Netflix...I watched ONE episode...just one, couldn't stand it. I didn't care much for the writing or the acting, not even with that one guy playing the Punisher.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Anyone watch Luke Cage? I hate, no loath, hip slop so much that I can't even imagine how I'd begin to watch the show. On mute?

So to anyone who's watched, is that crap music extremely prevalent?

Giga Bread

Mega Calories!
Aug 20, 2011
I love it but I'm not sensitive on race issues so I think a few on here won't like it.


Controlled Substance
Mar 26, 2014
I think the race issue is intentionally fabricated to draw attention to the new show,and Netflix as a whole. I've been seeing a lot of stuff about it on FB,but in reality you never know who's really behind the original tweets or FB posts.

Being a white guy originally from southern Mississippi that grew up in Cleveland Ohio I can honestly say that most "race issues" are really "black folk issues". Most white folks are afraid to be even slightly racist,black folks? Not so much. In fact I've seen WAY more racism from blacks then whites,and it's become part of their culture now to be racist against white folks.

Anyone watch Luke Cage? I hate, no loath, hip slop so much that I can't even imagine how I'd begin to watch the show. On mute?

So to anyone who's watched, is that crap music extremely prevalent?

How can you loathe hip hop? Im a heavy metal guy,BUT there are a hand full of hip hop songs that are really good! Nothing recent that I can think of,but the 90's where full of good music of al types. Modern music sucks tho,no matter what type:trollface:


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
If you liked Jessia Jones, then chances are you will like Luke Cage.

That being said, The only thing that got me through JJ was convincing myself that Purple man was really Dr Who going through one of his dark periods. :)

My guess is that Eddie will not like Luke Cage:racist: but the show does have it moments.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
How can you loathe hip hop?

I hate the music. I hate the cockiness. I hate ebonics. It's not a black thing. It could be the nerdiest white guys making/singing the music and I'd hate it.

My guess is that Eddie will not like Luke Cage:racist: but the show does have it moments.

I may come off as not liking black people because black. That's not the case at all. I hate criminal behavior and those that condone, enable and encourage it. I hate double standards. I hate the lies the media is manipulating the masses into believing.

There are a lot of race issues that cheese me off, but I don't hate anyone simply because they have a different complexion than me. That's moronic.


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
I may come off as not liking black people because black. That's not the case at all. I hate criminal behavior and those that condone, enable and encourage it. I hate double standards. I hate the lies the media is manipulating the masses into believing.

There are a lot of race issues that cheese me off, but I don't hate anyone simply because they have a different complexion than me. That's moronic.

Relax I am just kidding I know you don't hate black people :)

just breaders & small people.:drum:


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Hey! I don't hate kids! I just don't wanna be around them. Or see them. Or hear them. Or, yeah, maybe I don't, like...


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
Daredevil, he is either a hero you will like or not, but pretty much the best of the series, (season 2 has the punisher which starts slow but gets to one of the best versions of Punisher yet.)

Jessica Jones & Luke Cage are nict heroes so you'l figure out quickly if you like them or not.

They all reference the MCU & each other but you don't have to see one to know what's going on in the others.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Iron Fist was very enjoyable. Not as action packed or brutal as DD, but the story was good. Be prepared for a lot of corporate stuff.

The one thing I didn't like was the inclusion of Claire because it forces you to ask all too often "Why isn't she calling Matt/DD for help?!". Her saying "He's busy" wouldn't have been good enough even if she had said it. She should have just been excluded. That she didn't ask for him for help in so many appropriate instances was super dumb especially considering that they LIVE IN THE SAME CITY and even mentions Matt and Luke a couple times. Well ask Matt (Luke is locked up) to help us ya dumb b!tch!

I like both seasons of DD equally. They are both outstanding. I'd put IF next on that list then JJ and LC last because nope.

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gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Did/does Danny have such a difficult time achieving and maintaining a fistrection in the comics and toons? Sheesh.

Watched all 8 episodes (wife is gone). I gotta say, it felt much lower budget than the other Marvel/Netflix shows. That and/or everyone involved except for the actors and actresses were completely different than the other shows.

There was one moment that was so dumb, that I can't stop thinking about it. Early on when the "Defenders" all meet for the first time, Danny and Matt are explaining to Jessica and Luke about all the mystical Hand nonsense and that, yeah, it's all hard to believe, but it's real. Just except it. Then, later on, they come to the conclusion that Danny is the key to unlocking, something, and Danny just thinks that that is ridiculous. Really??
Really?? Everything else about ALL four of you is fine, but you being the key to unlocking something is where you draw a line in the "ridiculous" sand? :talktothehand:

Giga Bread

Mega Calories!
Aug 20, 2011
So when the Five Fingers of the Hand come together, it's metaphorically a shaking geriatric hand trying to open their meds. They were pathetic.

Now, let's do one more Daredevil to tie it all up, the Punisher, then let's get some new Defenders like Terror Inc.

I like Luke Cage but if they have to have him move slower than Andre the Giant to make it compelling, he's not worth the resources.

Danny Rand. Danny BLAND, more like it. Amirite?

Jessica Jones. I like her but she stuck out like a sore thumb.

Stick. Just when I started to like him...

I'm glad they killed the Hand. Two lopped off heads to boot. But I'm so sick of Madam Gao.

Giga Bread

Mega Calories!
Aug 20, 2011
so Born Again is what season 3 of Daredevil is going to be. I wonder how they're going to pull that off since Karen isn't a failed movie star doing Mexican porn movies for heroin and gives up Daredevil's identity for a hit. Looking back, Frank Miller must have been terrible at dating.


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
So I wasted a day watching this. Obviously it did not live up to the hype but I knew that going in.

Madam Gao - Her saving grace is that I keep sayig Marvel needs a villian that does not have a life span of a tissue paper. (Looking at you AoS & the movies)

There was a promo with the punisher, "I got here just in time" was not expecting him to be anything more than a last minute cameo, but he didn't show. So that was a let down.

The different characters have their same issues that brought fro their shows, Danny is unlikable, JJ & Cage are either you like them or you don't.

DD is pretty much Daredevil & it feels like bonus episodes with other Marvel Characters.

Didn't love it, but didn't hate it either, might rewatch it in a year can't say that about JJ & Cage.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Yeah, the Hand was crazy pathetic. Should each finger have their own "army"?

It just goes back to my low budget assertion. The CW shows feel like they had a bigger budget. DD S1 seemed downright cinematic when it came out. Defenders was embarrassing.


Au Soleil !
Jul 30, 2015
How pathetic is Danny Rand ....
He's doing everything wrong ...
Jessica is less into her booze and that's cool for me,
Cage should wake up a bit ...
Should take some red bull or something as he is damn behind everyone else ...

And I've always thought DD is a looser in the comics wich was really well translated in the movie with Ben Affleck but here ...
He saves the show as much with the actor's charisma as with his fighting skills ...
Only thing I really regret here (beside Stupid Fist ) is the weakness of the hand ...
I would have loved more fights ...
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Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
It just goes back to my low budget assertion. The CW shows feel like they had a bigger budget. DD S1 seemed downright cinematic when it came out. Defenders was embarrassing.

Between He who shall not be mentioned running the budget at Marvel (TV) & Netflix being 20 Billion in the whole.... I'm not surprised at the downgrade in quality.

And I've always thought DD is a looser in the comics wich was really well translated in the movie with Ben Affleck but here ...
He saves the show as much with the actor's charisma as with his fighting skills ...
Only thing I really regret here (beside Stupid Fist ) is the weakness of the hand ...
I would have loved more fights ...

Blind Batman, is a character that can easily go off the rails, & he really depends on good story telling to make him good. I thought I would not like him in the comics (growing up many years ago) but he can be a cool character, but definatly no avenger level. (although being comics he probably did team up because...comics)

Lack of fights/ different style of shooting fights because Glow boy can't fight)

Giga Bread

Mega Calories!
Aug 20, 2011
Daredevil was pretty much the only Marvel character I grew up reading consistently and the Netflix series has hit on what I liked about him where the movie greatly fell short.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
This awesome. The way they used Metalica + all the clicking sounds as beats...c'mon!


Giga Bread

Mega Calories!
Aug 20, 2011
I think The Punisher series was by far the most boring of the Netflix series. It really could have been just 6 episodes. Then for padding, they shoehorned gun control debate in a world that established the existence of ninjas.

The problem with spending 13 episodes to turn best bud Billy Russo into arch enemy Jigsaw, is that I’m way too tired of the character and am loathing the idea of another season of Billy Russo melodrama
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gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
I'm up to episode 6 and am quite disappointed with the lack of action and brutality. I don't know how the kid from the meetings ties in, but if he doesn't at all, and it's just some stupid side story for filler, I'll be kind of irritated.