Sgt Slaughter Updated. by ShipShape1983


Its THAT guy...
Sep 17, 2013
Sgt Slaughter was one of my favorite Joes as a kid. It was the Sarge who helped me get into Joes.

I did a custom a few years ago, my second custom Joe ever actually. And for the time, it sufficed because of the parts available back than. Kind of a "best at the time" scenario.

and here he is

I had used the kit from Mad Joe.

Later I would come into possession of JAKKS Sarge figure and switched out the head.

And he was great...


Retaliation gave us a figure of Roadblock played by the Rock!
This would give us customizers a larger new body to work with. Well it didnt take long for my fellow customizers to put two and two together.
But I was iffy about using the R body due to the skin tone. I would have had to paint the flesh. And that would mean potential paint rub off.

Well Vortious Customs Accessories and I felt the same way. And He created a conversion kit in Caucasian skin tone. The kit came with the head, torso, arms, hands, whistle, hat, and baton.
I obtained one and went to work.

Being the ever difficult to please purist that I am, I switched out the gloved hands for bare hands and gave him wristbands.
Even though most folks would have left the RB legs as is.... no
I switched the lower legs with those from CA Crossbones figure thus giving my sarge ankle articulation.

I present the finished work



Officer II
Feb 13, 2013
You really did the Sarg kit justice. Great job, and thank you for the shout out.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Very nice to see a big buff Sarge instead of the SDCC tubby version...I'd still like to see that version you did without the straps, but again, still a HUGE improvement