The 2018-2019 Fighting 1:18th Officer Club Drive!


Mar 13, 2011
Southern California

You know the drill.. :racist:

This site is completely paid for by the staff, and from donations by our members.

So close to 10 years.. this is our 9th year as a site! Somehow we're still here.. entirely thank to you guys (You know who you are, all 12 of you, on a busy day). Still no ads! Those penile enhancement companies have been begging me hard to let them put a firm ad on the site

These are the benefits you get for becoming a 1:18th Officer (Besides the warm fuzzy feeling inside!):

+ Our undying love and admiration for helping us be the last, best place to BS without BS!
+ Exclusive Officer Club rank badge
+ Additional Private Message Space from 100 -> 250
+ Additional file hosting space from 30M to 100M
+ Unique color for username
+ Access to the Officer's Club Exclusive Forum
+ Access to the Officer's Club Exclusive PX Trading Post
+ And (hopefully) more...

As of right now, all the perks will be year-to-year donation dependent, so they will last until your subscription runs out*.

The price is $15 for the 2017-2018 year. If you would like to donate more, feel free to, every little bit helps

If you're interested in donating, please send me a PM through the site. If you have any questions, please ask!


The donation period runs through December 31st, 2018.

A huge thank you everyone who helps out!


* Note: The subscription period will still be yearly, but it's set to continue past that. All of last years Officers should still have full-access, without needing to donate again, it's more of a stat tracking number at this point.
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