JOE and COBRA Training

Fred Broca

Jun 2, 2012
The Empyrean
What does JOE training entail? I would image it's an amalgam of BUDs and Green Beret training, Ranger and Airbourne School, in addition, to having to sit through that 8 driving safety training video. Also where would the JOE training take place? It in one location, our would it take place at various bases across the country? Would the SEAL training take place in San Diego, would Green Beret related stuff take place at Fort Bragg? How long is the training? and is anybody eligable for the program or does Gen. Hawk, Duke, or Stalker cherry picking potential candidates for the program?

Also with COBRA the same questions? What does their trianing entail and where? I also have another question concerning COBRA what type of personality joins COBRA and what do they hope to gain by being in a part of COBRA Command? Do people in COBRA believe in C.C.'s philosophy? Finally, how does C.C. maintain morale? Being tyrannical and ruthless isn't enough to keep the troops in.


A Waste of Space!!!!
Aug 2, 2011
Biggest dump on earth
The training would be tougher than the SEALS, Rangers or Green berets to become a Joe. Who would join Cobra? Ex convicts, murderers, cyber hackers, ex mercenaries, and those fed up follwing the straight path or someone with an axe to grind against the world. How does CC maintain discipline? He rewards those who succeed and terminates those who fail. He probaby enlists his Sieges to join the regular infantry, Viper Corps and other parts of Cobra to work undercover and listen to see if there are any threats to his power. If there are; they are eliminated. IMO