New GI Joe Pics with Snow Diorama


Officer X
Jul 16, 2014
Center Moriches, NY
Hey, guys. Just wanted to show a few new toy pics featuring Snow Job (my favorite version, though I don't know anything about it), 25th Snake Eyes and two Cobra Arctic troopers, neither of whom I know anything about.

I bought these guys (except Snake Eyes) as singles on eBay a few years ago. No real details given.

The dio is made using an insulation foam base and some old dead tree branches from my yard. The snow is made with Durham's putty and white paint, along with a little wood glue to make the trees look real, like they're leaking sap.

Falling snow is done in Photoshop.

"So, was the Island like Purgatory or something? What about the smoke monster?"

Snake Eyes surprise!

Snow Job makes a wrong turn...