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World War Z Review

World War Z Review

First off, I never read the comic, so everything about this movie was new to me. I really didn’t know what to expect since I heard so many mixed reviews. Well, my review is a positive one because I really enjoyed this movie.

The movie starts off fast and at the onset of the virus. They chose not to do this in a small town or the suburbs. It starts right in Philadelphia with a massive population. It begins with Brad Pitt and family in their car. Massive traffic Jam, slowly things around them do not look right. An explosion, panic, and people running everywhere. Pitt takes off after a runaway garbage truck to only have an accident.  This puts him and his family on foot. They make it to a rooftop after many close calls and death around them where they are rescued by the military that Brad Pitt used to work for.

He now gets the task of finding where the outbreak began. This puts him on a world wide adventure that seems to always end badly and with massive casualties. The Zombie invasion scenes are very epic. He does figure out a “defense” against the zombies in the climactic end. A “defense” I had never heard before which caused me to like it a lot.

What I enjoyed most about this movie was the Zombies. They are fierce, they are as fast as we are, and they have an appetite to bite. I also enjoyed how fast it was from bitten to zombie. This made the large scale scenes even more epic. The final thing I really loved about this movie was how the Zombies attacked. They run at full speed and Brian Urlacker tackle their victims before the deadly bites. Every tackle is intense and awesome. Most enjoyable part of the movie.

I give this a rock solid 9 out of 10 stars. The first 30-40 minutes of this movie may go down as my favorite 30 minutes of zombies ever. Was just intense. If you like Zombies, you should love this movie!

I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to read my review. Eye will see you later.

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About Kirk Downie

One comment

  1. Loved it myself. Thought the “defense” against the zombies was a fresh take on the whole concept. Hope the 2nd movie makes it, ’cause I’d love to see where they go with this one.

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