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Cobra Hellraiser

Cobra Hellraiser

Our news man A.V.A.C. has been in the lab and come up with an amazing custom! This is more of a play set than a vehicle.   And who better to run a nuclear juggernaut than “the Gammas” .  I’m sure anyone on the other end of this would not only be evaporated but there is a good possibility that new borders would have to be drawn. Here are some of the features:

-Gunner cockpit pivots/opens
-Camo stows in side racks
-Side doors open to carry 5-6 men
-Rear engine cover opens and is held open by pivoting stand
-Rear rocket carriage spins 360 degrees at angled tactical nuke position and pivots side to side standing upright in ICBM launch mode
-Carriage doors hinge up and out to clear missile for launch and snaps back when payload is released

This makes the Rise of Cobra PITT look like a Flight Pod. Take a minute and check it out.


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About Anthony Spatucci

I was brought into collecting when the GI Joe 25th anniversary came out. After dealing with repaints and sub par vehicles I started searching around for something a little better. A friend turned me onto the fighting 118th and I started moving towards a more realistic "verse" for my figures. After seeing a few dioramas from members on the site I got the bug for them. There is a certain quality of person that contributes to the site and that is what has kept me coming back. Everyone is honest about what your work can have better and really helps you to get the best out of yourself. I am MAJOR BLOOD on the site.

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