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X Review: Retaliation Budo

X Review: Retaliation Budo


Sculpt Articulation Paint Accessories Package Overall
A+ B C A D C

Overall is not an average.

Don’t get me wrong. Budo is a great sculpt, but I think it was better used as Bludgeon. I have seen far too many people commenting about how he really doesn’t fit in with their GI Joes, and I would have to agree. Ancient samurai armor has no place on today’s battlefield. You could have included the armor as accessories and sculpted him in modern military attire and it would have worked better. The paint is also underwhelming, his headsculpt is bland because of the lackluster paint job. He’s just “Okay”. And that’s really all I can say.


I want to thank Eddie from Dorksidetoys for getting me my figures as fast as he possibly could, especially considering the delayed distribution.

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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

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