Search results

  1. K

    World Peace Keeper c-130 or c-123

    I have one too, which I used in a diorama of a station in the antarctic. By the way, it is not World Peacekeepers but True Heroes from Chap Mei.
  2. K

    Classic Jeep trailer made of CD cases

    I researched the exact measurements of a classic Jeep trailer on the internet and calculated the respective sizes at scale 1:18. Then I cut old CD cases made of acrylic plastic and glued the pieces of the body with superbonder. Some faulty parts I covered with acrylic paste. The frame is made of...
  3. K

    Scratchbuilt field kitchen

    I have made another field kitchen. It has the size and looks a little bit like the ones used by the East German NVA in the 1980s. That was simply because after reunification these field kitchens were sold to a lot of clubs, civil defense entities etc. and thus you can find lots of pictures on...
  4. K

    Sunset of humanity - The last of us

    I wanted to make a big diorama where I could pose a substantial part of my aliens and alien-like robots. Thus I made a diorama showing the final fight of the last humans which were chased into an abandoned laboratory by the alien invaders. The diorama is 5 meters large, 50cm high. On the left 2...
  5. K

    First world war figures?

    Does anyone know whether there would be coming up figures of WWI? In August there will be the centenary of the start of WWI and I suppose that this war will become a big issue in literature and movies this year. Therefore I suppose that some company would get the idea to produce 1:18 figures. So...
  6. K

    Bugatti 1934 Halftrack

    I have already updated my blog with a 1934 Bugatti turned into a half-track vehicle. For the ones which love undestroyed die-cast cars: I bought the Bugatti already a little bit f..... up on a flea market. For the ones which love undestroyed GI Joe vehicles: It was my son who damaged it...
  7. K

    Halftrack for North Africa

    You did a very nice job. What is the model manufacturer of that truck? Some time ago I bought that truck model made by Chap Mei. I am still thinking how to turn it into something decent because the quality of Chap Mei vehicles is rather shitty.
  8. K

    Field kitchen 1:18

    I attach some examples. I do not know the brand of that Cleopatra figure I have. If you want a real nice Cleopatra figure, check out the French company Papo. The Papo figures, like e.g. Bullyland figures, just do not have movable parts. Papo has serveral interesting historical figures, among...
  9. K

    Raid on jungle command center

    My latest post on my blog shows a 3 meters large diorama of a command center of bandits in the jungle shortly before a raid by a special military unit.
  10. K

    Wall E customized for 1:18 figures

    Some time ago I bought a Wall E robot without head. In my blog you can see what became of that toy:
  11. K

    UFO research center

    I have updated my blog with descriptions and pictures of a 3 meters large diorama of a UFO research center.
  12. K

    Field kitchen 1:18

    The Charlie Chaplin is a rather simple figure. You can see him on the left side of the picture attached. I have also attached a picture of Napoleon. Cesar is in some box currently.
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    Field kitchen 1:18

    Thanks. I have a collection numbering more than 3,000 figures by now and every figure wants to get out of the box once in a while. Real military action figures are not being sold in Brazil and when I was young and grew up in Germany, GI Joe figures were not yet invented. Thus, to me GI Joe...
  14. K

    Field kitchen 1:18

    I have just updated my blog with a description and pictures of a field kitchen shown in a diorama of an arctic station published these days.
  15. K

    Lamborghini Diablo ATV

    Here is a picture of a Lamborghini Diablo scale 1:18 turned into an ATV. More on my blog that I have just updated:
  16. K

    Sigma Six Vamp converted into 1:18 car

    I have just updated my blog with pictures of the process of turning a Sigma Six Vamp into a 1:18 scale car. Link:
  17. K

    Semi- trailer for tanks

    I have just updated my blog with pictures of a customized semi-trailer. Currently however I have no idea where to place it in a diorama because of its size.
  18. K

    Apocalyptic Citroen 2CV and Ferrari GTO

    Due to several requests I have started to post close-up pictures of customized cars on my blog. The first post shows a 1952 Citroen 2CV and a 1962 Ferrari GTO. Other examples will follow. The explanations are in Portuguese and English.
  19. K

    Diorama blog now in English language too

    Due to a lot of American visitors I have started to show posts in Portuguese and in English from now on. The latest post shows how to make a facade model house. Please always consider the there are many accessories for model building available in the USA which you cannot buy in Brazil. Therefore...
  20. K

    My new blog on large dioramas scale 1:18

    I have created a blog to publish about my large dioramas. The text is in Portuguese but do not mind, because the pictures are self explaining. The posts are mixed and show purely civilian themes as well as adventure or Science Fiction. Part of it I have already published here on this forum but...