Elders of the Runestone: Adder


Officer III
Sep 12, 2011
This isn't a recent custom, but in celebration of the release of the first issue of Elders of the Runestone from Quinn Johnson and Robert Atkins (thanks to Kickstarter), I thought I'd share a custom, the cover, and a few promo pages from the first issue. This is Adder, a shadowy vigilante and all around martial arts badass in the comic. So of course he's a fave.



gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Don't know the character at all, but the custom looks great and spot on...love the detail you added to the weapons...especially the bandolier with the throw knives, that piece looks great!...not at all chunky...


Officer III
Sep 12, 2011
Thanks guys! You can now download the first issue at Artist Alley Comics for $1.99. It will be released on other platforms and eventually hit the newstands in printed form. The first 5 issues were funded through Kickstarter and after reading the first issue almost a dozen times, I can't wait to read the next isssue and hope it keeps going for a long time.

I started collecting parts to make another one as this one went to Robert Atkins who then sent it off to Quinn Johnson. Here's Adder teaming up with Robert Atkins at C2E2 earlier this year.

You can find out more about Elders of the Runestone at the website. There's also detailed wip photos of Adder on their Kickstarter page in the updates section starting with update #1.