NES Metal Gear Mech (finished)


X-treme Monster Hunter
Jul 19, 2011
Dunno what sparked the interest to make this but i went to work on it then i saw the Joecustoms Non-Joe Challenge "like a Boss" and was going to enter it but its not a boss it just sits in the game (Non-Nes Version)
as you wire explosives to it
Parts are going to be tricky
Main pieces are a POC Joe Marauder Mech with parts of a Star Wars clone wars trooper mech and a ton of broken Joe/Transformer/and random fodder dremeled down and glued on
loads of sculpting on it (which i am not to happy with but it works)
from what i could tell from the screenshot the Mech appears greenish if its not oh well it was housed in a Jungle so green kinda makes sense
I tossed in my Contra guy to show scale its pretty close me thinks
i know the front guns are supposed to be mini Vulcan guns i improvised on mine and made em mortarr llaunchers and the side nose guns can be the mini Vulcan canons