The G.I. JOE Conundrum

Fred Broca

Jun 2, 2012
The Empyrean
One day back in the 1980's, Hasbro decided that it was to reboot it's dormat G.I. JOE line. The idea was instead of having G.I. JOE be a boy's equvialent to Barbie. They would shrink the sizes of the figures and have accessories to figures and the new G.I. JOE line would compete against the Star Wars line over at Kenner. The new line's accessories would be based on actual military weapons systems, such as the MIM-23 Hawk Surface to Air Missile System, F14 Tomcat, the A-10 Thunderbolt, and LCAC Hovercrafts. I'm assuming that Hasbro contacted Marvel, who then assigned Larry Hama this new project which included writing a tie-in comic to sell the figures and writing the files cards.

Now here's comes the good and the bad. The good part is that Hama gave these figures a back story, defined relationships, motivations, had the JOEs stationed and train at real military instillations and involved in real conflicts. The bad part is that Hama gave these figures a back story, defined relationships, motivations, had the JOEs stationed and train at real military instillations and involved in real conflicts.

Which brings us to what I so eloquently call the "G.I. JOE Conundrum." Hasbro doesn't what to seem to accept the idea that Snake Eyes, Duke, COBRA Commander, The Baroness, etc are apart of a very defined and specific universe. Even though we as JOE fans have our JOEverses, I go out on a limb and say that even within our Joeverses, the characters are doing anything that's drastically different that what Hama set out on the file cards. If anything we've expounded about it.

One of the things that made RoC the cluster fuck that it was, thirty years worth of continuity seem to be completely ignored for no possible reason. You can have reason for Snake Eyes not talking is because he took a vow of silence. You can't have Duke in a relationship with The Baroness. You can't have C.C. be a military scientist named Rex and if you do decide to make these changes your story has to be so vastly superior to source material that it will force the fandom to accept the new story. As far I know, the only movie that has successfully done this was X-Men:First Class, even then people will say, well why didn't just make another X-Men movie, but that's another topic for another day.

Hasbro's problem is that want to move the line forward, but have a foot in the past. As we can see the results have been....well....fucked up. Our brethern at The Tank insist that 8 years are needed to keep the brand alive and the military themes and violence need to be toned down or else some left leaning unpatriotic mother in San Francisco is going to use Miscrosoft Word, create some letterhead claiming to be a "parental watch dog group," and claim to Hasbro that their promoting war. Well I say, if has is trying to bring in new customers, why do have characters named Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Stalker, and Storm Shadow? Clearly you want somebody other than 8 years to buy the toys. You're reaching out to the people who kept this brand from going the way of M.A.S.K. Gobots, and C.O.P.S.

Hasbro's problem is that the company wants to advance the brand, but it wants to have the brand firmly rooted in ARAHverse. Hasbro shouldn't do both, nor should it would to. If Hasbro wants to do something different with the brand, it should do what Paramount did when it rebooted Star Trek in the 80's, they put then 150 years in the future and inntroduced new characters.

If Hasbro wants to stick with the ARAH, then the line is going to have to stay within those parameters. Also, Hasbro has to understand that there doesn't have to be a Duke and Snake Eyes in every line. What the fandom and the kids want is quality hot product regardless of the figure's code name.

Personally I think that Hasbro should go with an updated military theme because in my honest opinion it seems that G.I. JOE whether it was in the 12" version or ARAH was most successfully when it based in realisitic military weapons and concepts. Instead of running away from it, Hasbro should embrace the fact that the JOEs are a military theme toy.


Ď̵͓̲̬̮͜͝ȉ̶̜̝̙͙͕̀̽ͦͯ͗ ̟gͨ
Mar 19, 2011
Hasbro is all kinds of fucked up and GI Joe is fucked. I blame both Hasbro and ARAH fans.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I agree, if Hasbro wants to move foraward, the Vietnam Era-based ARAH continuity has to go. If we're honest and don't move these characters up to at least Desert Storm we're gonna have a Geritol-takin' Real American Hero.

The problem is, quite a bit of product is bought by adult fans, who have a MAJOR issue of letting go. If Sci-Fi isn't dressed in day-glo green it's wrong. If the OG13 isn't running around in olive drab utilities it's wrong. If Snake Eyes isn't slipping Scarlett the ol' protein suppliment it's wrong. There are always those that will insist that Joe is timeless, when it's not.

I agree, it should be a predominately military themed line. Unfortunately Joe is never gonna return to it's '80s heyday, simply because we as a society aren't the same.

Anyhoo, if I've got to choose between Shock Troopers and Cobra running around in camouflage or Cobra running around in primary colors following a baby blue jodhpurs-clad schmuck hatching hair-brained schemes about weather machines, well that's an easy choice.


Resident Jarhead
Mar 14, 2011
Old Dominion
Shit, at this point even Desert Storm guys are getting long in the tooth. Move 'em to the Balklands peace-keeping missions for the older guys, and OIF/OEF for the younger guys.


Mar 16, 2011
One of the things we're fighting is massive ignorance on the part of kids today.

These kids today don't learn jack crap about history. They're not even aware that Desert Storm even happened. Most of the guys here teach their kids a proper perspective of history, but the vast majority wouldn't understand the meaning of a significant backstory about military experience unless it was spoonfed to them on their PS3. We grew up hearing stories told to us by fathers, uncles, and grandfathers about their experiences uniform and we appreciated it. Today, kids are told by their teachers and their peers that service in uniform is evil.

It's the same reason GI Joe died in the late 70s and wasn't resurrected until Reagan was elected. And I'm a proud Reagan Kid.


Mar 14, 2011
Hasbro has done it to themselves. They have completely buried the brand to anybody who isn't a 80's arah fanboy.

I'm a huge arah lover and I admit, that almost all figures I buy have to be arah inspired. However their is a reason for that. Hasbro hasn't got the balls or the know how to do anything else worth a grain of salt.

Look at their last 3 ventures into non arah. Sgt Savage, Sigma Six and RoC. Savage was a complete rip off of Captain America, which is fine. Than they went and made the figures in a different scale. The line didn't stand a chance. Sigma Six... again in a different scale... WTF!!! I'm not even gonna discuss RoC, at least they got the scale right.

In my opinion, they either need to continue with arah in a renegades/resolute/retaliation like hybrid. Or completely start over. Now... if your gonna start over.. do it right.

First, you must keep it in 1:18 scale. Second, add new characters. Don't Frankenstein all the current guys. Create 10-12 new joes and maybe throw in a few well named joes only revamped(prolly Duke, SE and Flint). Keep Cobra Commander but revamp Cobra. 3rd, keep it G.I.Joe. You have a military themed line with sci fi elements.


Drunken Recon
Mar 15, 2011
There is no reason the old characters cannot still work in modern versions. Have Stalker, Snake Eyes and Stormshadow part of a unit that fought in Iraq early on. What happened to Saddam's WMDs? Destro, Saddam's supplier, absconded with them into Europe, where he encountered the Baronness and Major Bludd. The Baroness, an aristocratic heir to a European dictatorship offered Destro amnesty in exchange for his weapon's technology. Cobra Commander, the leader of a radical US based anti government group has been amassing weapons for the coming race war/apocalpyse/government crackdown that all wackos fear and meets them through covert contacts of the Crimson Twins, who are American weapons manufacturers who are profitting from the buildup of American military spending in response to various terrorist threats around the world, threats they are financing. Their involvment becomes outed and they have to seek out Cobra Commander's organization to hide them. The US government forms a highly trained military task force to coordinate the effort to locate the Twins and the weapons they have sold to America's enemies--GI Joe! The Joint Chiefs assign General Hawk to lead the task force as he has already had agents (Scarlet and Snake Eyes) investigaing aspects of the Twins. Hawk recognizes the need to have a small highly trained force of specialists that can move far faster than large numbers of troops to begin shutting dow nteh various operations of the Cobra/Twins/Destro connection across the globe and begins drafting the best of the best that the US military has to offer--Duke (Army), Beachhead (Marines), Ace (Air Force), Torpedo (Navy Seals) etc.


Size matters
Staff member
Mar 13, 2011
There is no reason the old characters cannot still work in modern versions. Have Stalker, Snake Eyes and Stormshadow part of a unit that fought in Iraq early on. What happened to Saddam's WMDs? Destro, Saddam's supplier, absconded with them into Europe, where he encountered the Baronness and Major Bludd. The Baroness, an aristocratic heir to a European dictatorship offered Destro amnesty in exchange for his weapon's technology. Cobra Commander, the leader of a radical US based anti government group has been amassing weapons for the coming race war/apocalpyse/government crackdown that all wackos fear and meets them through covert contacts of the Crimson Twins, who are American weapons manufacturers who are profitting from the buildup of American military spending in response to various terrorist threats around the world, threats they are financing. Their involvment becomes outed and they have to seek out Cobra Commander's organization to hide them. The US government forms a highly trained military task force to coordinate the effort to locate the Twins and the weapons they have sold to America's enemies--GI Joe! The Joint Chiefs assign General Hawk to lead the task force as he has already had agents (Scarlet and Snake Eyes) investigaing aspects of the Twins. Hawk recognizes the need to have a small highly trained force of specialists that can move far faster than large numbers of troops to begin shutting dow nteh various operations of the Cobra/Twins/Destro connection across the globe and begins drafting the best of the best that the US military has to offer--Duke (Army), Beachhead (Marines), Ace (Air Force), Torpedo (Navy Seals) etc.

I'm sold. When is this movie coming out!


Mar 14, 2011
There is no reason the old characters cannot still work in modern versions. Have Stalker, Snake Eyes and Stormshadow part of a unit that fought in Iraq early on. What happened to Saddam's WMDs? Destro, Saddam's supplier, absconded with them into Europe, where he encountered the Baronness and Major Bludd. The Baroness, an aristocratic heir to a European dictatorship offered Destro amnesty in exchange for his weapon's technology. Cobra Commander, the leader of a radical US based anti government group has been amassing weapons for the coming race war/apocalpyse/government crackdown that all wackos fear and meets them through covert contacts of the Crimson Twins, who are American weapons manufacturers who are profitting from the buildup of American military spending in response to various terrorist threats around the world, threats they are financing. Their involvment becomes outed and they have to seek out Cobra Commander's organization to hide them. The US government forms a highly trained military task force to coordinate the effort to locate the Twins and the weapons they have sold to America's enemies--GI Joe! The Joint Chiefs assign General Hawk to lead the task force as he has already had agents (Scarlet and Snake Eyes) investigaing aspects of the Twins. Hawk recognizes the need to have a small highly trained force of specialists that can move far faster than large numbers of troops to begin shutting dow nteh various operations of the Cobra/Twins/Destro connection across the globe and begins drafting the best of the best that the US military has to offer--Duke (Army), Beachhead (Marines), Ace (Air Force), Torpedo (Navy Seals) etc.

I'm sold. When is this movie coming out!



Apr 12, 2011
While I'll agree to some of the OP's points, I don't agree with the overall conclusions that (1) Hasbro is toning down the military aspect of the figure, or (2) that Hasbro is stuck in the 80's ARAH mentality. Besides figures like Airtight and Sci-Fi that were specifically made to celebrate the 30th Anny line, Hasbro had been producing the most military-esque figures to date with PoC. And Hasbro's been trying to reboot its continuity with IDW comics, Renegades cartoons, and the Paramount movie. Lack of new characters is not what's stopping kids from picking up toys. It's ineffective distribution and lack of commitment to a kid-orientated media tie-in that are bigger contributors to their failings.


"Big Guns"
Exactly. It's the lack of media tie-ins, distribution issues, high-costs, retailer luke-warm support, and increased competition for kids attention from every conceivable angle. Suggesting that retro figure styling or pandering to aging fans is the major reason of the brand's failure is complete bullshit.

I'm a self-proclaimed nostalgia whore, yet I think the claims that hasbro is pandering to that demographic are preposterous. If they were trying to please fans of the early days of arah, there would never have been RoC, Renegades, IDW reboots, etc. Hasbro takes EVERY opportunity to reboot Joe into some thing new. If anything, one could more effectively argue that Joe's inability to decide what it is and stick with it longer than a year is a much bigger issue.

If a figure warms the pegs, it's because it's a crappy figure, because it's the 83rd iteration of a character we all have millions of, or because it's grossly overpacked (i.e. five Snow Cone Destro's for every other figure in the case).

Excluding Duke and Snake Eyes who have beaten to death in every conceivable modern, classic, neomodern, retro figure styles... they've never made a modern version of an existing military joe character that warmed pegs. Fanboys such as myself have never seen a figure like PoC Dusty or Recondo and said "Oh that's not identical to 1984, I'm not buying it." Would we have liked a vintage cardback variant? Sure. Do I like the modern updates to take an occasional cue from the vintage just as a nod or to make them more recognizable? Hell yeah. But those nitpicks didn't prevent the figures from selling. not. one. bit.

Anyone suggesting that Joe's ills are the fault of mysterious legions of arah fans unable to recognize that it's no longer 1982 needs to channel their displaced anger and use that energy to take a class on economics or marketing. wtf.


Kicker of asses and such
May 16, 2011
Atlanta, GA
There is no reason the old characters cannot still work in modern versions. Have Stalker, Snake Eyes and Stormshadow part of a unit that fought in Iraq early on. What happened to Saddam's WMDs? Destro, Saddam's supplier, absconded with them into Europe, where he encountered the Baronness and Major Bludd. The Baroness, an aristocratic heir to a European dictatorship offered Destro amnesty in exchange for his weapon's technology. Cobra Commander, the leader of a radical US based anti government group has been amassing weapons for the coming race war/apocalpyse/government crackdown that all wackos fear and meets them through covert contacts of the Crimson Twins, who are American weapons manufacturers who are profitting from the buildup of American military spending in response to various terrorist threats around the world, threats they are financing. Their involvment becomes outed and they have to seek out Cobra Commander's organization to hide them. The US government forms a highly trained military task force to coordinate the effort to locate the Twins and the weapons they have sold to America's enemies--GI Joe! The Joint Chiefs assign General Hawk to lead the task force as he has already had agents (Scarlet and Snake Eyes) investigaing aspects of the Twins. Hawk recognizes the need to have a small highly trained force of specialists that can move far faster than large numbers of troops to begin shutting dow nteh various operations of the Cobra/Twins/Destro connection across the globe and begins drafting the best of the best that the US military has to offer--Duke (Army), Beachhead (Marines), Ace (Air Force), Torpedo (Navy Seals) etc.

I'm sold. When is this movie coming out!

I'm buying a ticket to that film. Sounds like one I'd watch.

Sign me up as well.


Mar 14, 2011
Exactly. It's the lack of media tie-ins, distribution issues, high-costs, retailer luke-warm support, and increased competition for kids attention from every conceivable angle. Suggesting that retro figure styling or pandering to aging fans is the major reason of the brand's failure is complete bullshit.

I'm a self-proclaimed nostalgia whore, yet I think the claims that hasbro is pandering to that demographic are preposterous. If they were trying to please fans of the early days of arah, there would never have been RoC, Renegades, IDW reboots, etc. Hasbro takes EVERY opportunity to reboot Joe into some thing new. If anything, one could more effectively argue that Joe's inability to decide what it is and stick with it longer than a year is a much bigger issue.

If a figure warms the pegs, it's because it's a crappy figure, because it's the 83rd iteration of a character we all have millions of, or because it's grossly overpacked (i.e. five Snow Cone Destro's for every other figure in the case).

Excluding Duke and Snake Eyes who have beaten to death in every conceivable modern, classic, neomodern, retro figure styles... they've never made a modern version of an existing military joe character that warmed pegs. Fanboys such as myself have never seen a figure like PoC Dusty or Recondo and said "Oh that's not identical to 1984, I'm not buying it." Would we have liked a vintage cardback variant? Sure. Do I like the modern updates to take an occasional cue from the vintage just as a nod or to make them more recognizable? Hell yeah. But those nitpicks didn't prevent the figures from selling. not. one. bit.

Anyone suggesting that Joe's ills are the fault of mysterious legions of arah fans unable to recognize that it's no longer 1982 needs to channel their displaced anger and use that energy to take a class on economics or marketing. wtf.

Very well said Nacho. You make a very good point. I especially agree with your last statement. ARAH F.A.G.S. UNITE!! :D


Mar 14, 2011
I agree, if Hasbro wants to move foraward, the Vietnam Era-based ARAH continuity has to go. If we're honest and don't move these characters up to at least Desert Storm we're gonna have a Geritol-takin' Real American Hero.

The problem is, quite a bit of product is bought by adult fans, who have a MAJOR issue of letting go. If Sci-Fi isn't dressed in day-glo green it's wrong. If the OG13 isn't running around in olive drab utilities it's wrong. If Snake Eyes isn't slipping Scarlett the ol' protein suppliment it's wrong. There are always those that will insist that Joe is timeless, when it's not.

I agree, it should be a predominately military themed line. Unfortunately Joe is never gonna return to it's '80s heyday, simply because we as a society aren't the same.

Anyhoo, if I've got to choose between Shock Troopers and Cobra running around in camouflage or Cobra running around in primary colors following a baby blue jodhpurs-clad schmuck hatching hair-brained schemes about weather machines, well that's an easy choice.

I hate to say it but in the targets I visit, Unimax solider figs move. I look at the 12 inch dolls and say to myself why are the figures about ninjas and barefoot red T-shirt wearing characters walking around in the snow.

Make a military based figure with White man looking terrorists and they would sell fine I think.

In my stores the pegs are full of SE's and blue guys holding staffs with a snake on them. Move forward. We've been in a 10 plus year war and Hasbro hasn't made diddly to represent any of it.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Look at their last 3 ventures into non arah. Sgt Savage, Sigma Six and RoC. Savage was a complete rip off of Captain America, which is fine. Than they went and made the figures in a different scale. The line didn't stand a chance. Sigma Six... again in a different scale... WTF!!! I'm not even gonna discuss RoC, at least they got the scale right.

Meh, the interview with the head guy on the Joe team in the ARAH made it pretty clear that they had been trying for years before 1994 to keep Joe comeptitive in the toy aisle but to no avail.

Notice how all the toys are 1:18 nowadays? Well in the late '80s and '90s they trended to 5". Sgt Savage, in an effort to keep a military toy brand relevant, did the same. Rip off of Capt. A?, eh, kind of. At least he didn't run around in a Old Glory costume.

And technically, shouldn't you be bitching about G.I. Joe: Extreme? Infinitely worse than Sgt. Savage to any sane observer.

Anyone suggesting that Joe's ills are the fault of mysterious legions of arah fans unable to recognize that it's no longer 1982 needs to channel their displaced anger and use that energy to take a class on economics or marketing. wtf.

You kinda are when Hasbro is constantly courting you man-children.

And unlike the milions of children that just don't care about G.I. Joe I can tell all of you man-children to do us all a favor and go suck-start a shotgun. :thumbsup:

To be brutally honest, if Hell froze over and a company came out with a military toy line as well articulated as most ME Joes I probably wouldn't bother with G.I. Joe or any of it's baggage at all.
Last edited:


Mar 14, 2011
And technically, shouldn't you be bitching about G.I. Joe: Extreme? Infinitely worse than Sgt. Savage to any sane observer.

Honestly I have no idea what Extreme is/was other than a short lived Joe line that came out when I wasn't into Joe lol


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
5 points of articulation with designs that would be right at home in some cheap comic from a 3rd rate publisher.

Great big missile launchers, too. ;)

They are quite literally the Rob Liefeld of G.I. Joe figures.


Mocha Viper
Jul 20, 2011
There is no reason the old characters cannot still work in modern versions. Have Stalker, Snake Eyes and Stormshadow part of a unit that fought in Iraq early on. What happened to Saddam's WMDs? Destro, Saddam's supplier, absconded with them into Europe, where he encountered the Baronness and Major Bludd. The Baroness, an aristocratic heir to a European dictatorship offered Destro amnesty in exchange for his weapon's technology. Cobra Commander, the leader of a radical US based anti government group has been amassing weapons for the coming race war/apocalpyse/government crackdown that all wackos fear and meets them through covert contacts of the Crimson Twins, who are American weapons manufacturers who are profitting from the buildup of American military spending in response to various terrorist threats around the world, threats they are financing. Their involvment becomes outed and they have to seek out Cobra Commander's organization to hide them. The US government forms a highly trained military task force to coordinate the effort to locate the Twins and the weapons they have sold to America's enemies--GI Joe! The Joint Chiefs assign General Hawk to lead the task force as he has already had agents (Scarlet and Snake Eyes) investigaing aspects of the Twins. Hawk recognizes the need to have a small highly trained force of specialists that can move far faster than large numbers of troops to begin shutting dow nteh various operations of the Cobra/Twins/Destro connection across the globe and begins drafting the best of the best that the US military has to offer--Duke (Army), Beachhead (Marines), Ace (Air Force), Torpedo (Navy Seals) etc.

I'm in -

I bet we just gave this idea more go aheads than RoC received...


"Big Guns"
You kinda are when Hasbro is constantly courting you man-children.

Really? I don't recall any arah fan screaming "Give me more ninjas and Dwayne Johnson please!"

If anything, lots of us who are fans of the original early joes are fans because they were more of a military unit. Many of us were mortified at the notion of every character being a ninja and the introduction of professional wrestlers into our military unit.

You clearly mistake being a fan of the vintage stuff with loving the fantastical parts of the lore. I hated few things in life as a child more than Bazooka and Sgt Slaughter. But I fail to see how having an affinity for the early days of arah is hurting the line now. Is it because they throw us a bone and make a character like Sci-Fi occasionally or a vintage carded SDCC exclusive? Oh the humanity! You know, I've never seen a Sci-Fi in the wild, and I've certainly never seen him warming a peg. Thus it's hard to argue that such figures are killing the franchise.

I'm not saying Joe is on the right track at present, but it's certainly not because they're catering to arah fans...

And unlike the milions of children that just don't care about G.I. Joe I can tell all of you man-children to do us all a favor and go suck-start a shotgun. :thumbsup:

Really? We're going to resort to name-calling and fuck-off diatribes just because I think your assessment of Joes problems are unfounded? Where's the facepalm smiley when I need one...


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Really? We're going to resort to name-calling and fuck-off diatribes just because I think your assessment of Joes problems are unfounded? Where's the facepalm smiley when I need one...

C'mon, Nacho, you of all should know how to take a joke on this forum.


Mar 14, 2011
Mt Airy, MD
I love how these discussions always involve people making sweeping generalizations about what the fans want, when "the fans" clearly can't figure it out for themselves (and certainly don't all want the same thing). :D


"Big Guns"
C'mon, Nacho, you of all should know how to take a joke on this forum.

Eh, people take this shit too personal. Hugs for everyone.

Joe has so many fucking problems, it's damn near impossible to narrow the list to iust a dozen. But I do feel the problems are more business and media related than anything to with a few vintage figure decos.


Mar 14, 2011
Mt Airy, MD
Yeah, I don't think there's any fix or series of fixes that Hasbro could do to make the brand as successful as it's been in the past. Society is in a different place now.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Thirded on the game tie-in. Create a realistic(ish) Joe based video game that was actually any good, and the toys would sell like hotcakes.

Fred Broca

Jun 2, 2012
The Empyrean
There is no reason the old characters cannot still work in modern versions. Have Stalker, Snake Eyes and Stormshadow part of a unit that fought in Iraq early on. What happened to Saddam's WMDs? Destro, Saddam's supplier, absconded with them into Europe, where he encountered the Baronness and Major Bludd. The Baroness, an aristocratic heir to a European dictatorship offered Destro amnesty in exchange for his weapon's technology. Cobra Commander, the leader of a radical US based anti government group has been amassing weapons for the coming race war/apocalpyse/government crackdown that all wackos fear and meets them through covert contacts of the Crimson Twins, who are American weapons manufacturers who are profitting from the buildup of American military spending in response to various terrorist threats around the world, threats they are financing. Their involvment becomes outed and they have to seek out Cobra Commander's organization to hide them. The US government forms a highly trained military task force to coordinate the effort to locate the Twins and the weapons they have sold to America's enemies--GI Joe! The Joint Chiefs assign General Hawk to lead the task force as he has already had agents (Scarlet and Snake Eyes) investigaing aspects of the Twins. Hawk recognizes the need to have a small highly trained force of specialists that can move far faster than large numbers of troops to begin shutting dow nteh various operations of the Cobra/Twins/Destro connection across the globe and begins drafting the best of the best that the US military has to offer--Duke (Army), Beachhead (Marines), Ace (Air Force), Torpedo (Navy Seals) etc.

Fred would have to be at this movie. Cept, instead SE, I would replace him with Chuckles. I would also have Gens. Flagg and Austin as the head of the unit, basically so Gen. Flagg could get killed.

As with Avengers, I would so three "introductory," movies. One that tells S.E.'s story, one that tells Hawk's, and one that tells C.C.'s I'm kinda like a purist in concerning things, so my JOE roster would probably be the original JOEs; however, I eventually work in Quick Kick. Why Quick Kick? He's a cool character and it would be an excuse to give him a new uniform.

I love how these discussions always involve people making sweeping generalizations about what the fans want, when "the fans" clearly can't figure it out for themselves (and certainly don't all want the same thing). :D

The fans want cool figures and accessories and a movie along the lines of Resolute.


Green Beret
Feb 20, 2012
There is no reason the old characters cannot still work in modern versions. Have Stalker, Snake Eyes and Stormshadow part of a unit that fought in Iraq early on. What happened to Saddam's WMDs? Destro, Saddam's supplier, absconded with them into Europe, where he encountered the Baronness and Major Bludd. The Baroness, an aristocratic heir to a European dictatorship offered Destro amnesty in exchange for his weapon's technology. Cobra Commander, the leader of a radical US based anti government group has been amassing weapons for the coming race war/apocalpyse/government crackdown that all wackos fear and meets them through covert contacts of the Crimson Twins, who are American weapons manufacturers who are profitting from the buildup of American military spending in response to various terrorist threats around the world, threats they are financing. Their involvment becomes outed and they have to seek out Cobra Commander's organization to hide them. The US government forms a highly trained military task force to coordinate the effort to locate the Twins and the weapons they have sold to America's enemies--GI Joe! The Joint Chiefs assign General Hawk to lead the task force as he has already had agents (Scarlet and Snake Eyes) investigaing aspects of the Twins. Hawk recognizes the need to have a small highly trained force of specialists that can move far faster than large numbers of troops to begin shutting dow nteh various operations of the Cobra/Twins/Destro connection across the globe and begins drafting the best of the best that the US military has to offer--Duke (Army), Beachhead (Marines), Ace (Air Force), Torpedo (Navy Seals) etc.

In one paragraph, you wrote a more interesting Joe story than has been released in the last 10+ years.
Impossible, as it'll be targeted at kids that apparently can't handle the fact that in war people fucking die.

I don't know, 75% of online COD players seem to be little kids.