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  • Hey, man. Dude, im sorry about your cats, and what you said about them giving more joy, than grief, really took some weight off my chest. I hadnt thought about it that way. Have a great everything,
    Garrison Moe
    Hey, nacho! I keep getting routed to the Maintenance page when clicking the Everything Else link. What's up with that?

    Many thanks;
    I can't figure out if you can set up automatic shipping of preferred titles. Is that not an option?

    There's a new BTTF comic coming out that I want to check out and I have no interest in chasing issues down anymore. That got annoying when I'd get behind and I'd have to hunt down issues. Screw that. I'll have em come right to my house.
    I never looked into it before, and was bored so I clicked your signature link lol. They look really cool! I haven't collected comics since I was a kid, so I don't think I have enough of the issues to make it worth wild at the moment.. but it'd be really cool to have a set like that. I'd love to show them off.
    hey mate,just recieved my g1 shockwave...i'm very impressed!.even the packaging ,decals etc are high quality.:)
    You won the last Officer Giveaway!! Shoot me a PM with your addy and I will get the prize to you next week or so.
    thanks mate! with a bit of luck,i should have the g1 insecticons reissues tonight.i'm bidding on them on ebay...fingers crossed!
    hey mate,i finally got a g1's the ko zhong jin? version.a high quality exact replica of the g1[box,decals etc].i paid forty pounds/65 dollars on i'm stoked!
    Oh shit! Nah, I didn't even get a ship notification. It'll probably be here soon, then. I'll be on the lookout for it. Mine won't actually be waiting on me. Rather, I'll have a pink slip from the PO for a package I'll have to go pick up, but I'll definitely be getting it soon.

    Thanks for the heads up, man! BTW, did you get a ship notification? They did that last time with the last conehead, but I haven't seen anything yet. Are they awesome?
    We're thinking of starting a podcast.. I know you do one, can you PM MAJOR BLOOD any details/tips/tricks that you can think of? We're gonna experiment.. haha
    Shit! Means mine will have been sitting at my front door for nearly a week prior to me getting home... Oh well, hopefully it'll be alright, we live in a good area and our place is gated.

    How's the quality? I'm assuming it'll be nearly 100% Hasbro/Takara quality based off the MP Prime alternate head I got.
    They're shipping the first one solo, then the other 2 together (I think).

    My shipping notification was an HTML email, but it previewed properly. It showed only one as shipping.
    I got my ship notification for the first KO jet last night! Of course, I'm going to be out of town for 2 weeks, but I'm hoping that since it took forever last time, that it won't actually show up while I'm gone and be sitting on my door step for a week without anyone there to take it inside. It usually takes a minimum of 2 weeks, if I remember correctly, when they shipped the MP Prime head. Or, it'll get there a day or 2 before I return. Our door is under cover, so it won't get rained on it or anything, and we've got a gated outer wall, so I think it'll be safe.
    BTW, didn't you end up getting those KO jets? What's the deal with those? I'll be pissed if I get scammed out of $430.
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