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October Banner Contest

October Banner Contest

It’s that time of the Month again! Wait.. what? Oh.. right..

The theme for the October Banner Contest is Night Moves

Here is a quote from Banner Contest runner Major Blood:

“Since it’s the month of Halloween the theme will be at night. No photoshop. Moonlight or a streetlight is ok to use. There must be a strong presence of it being night though. This one should be somewhat challenging just because of the lighting.”

The Monthly Banner Contest has been one of the most successful and favorite features here on the Fighting 1:18th.  The contest started on our original site before the infamous crash of 2011.  For those that are new to the contest,  it’s very simple.  A forum member can submit a dio picture entry into the contest.  Towards the end of the month we place all the photos together and let the forum members vote for their favorite via poll.   The winner gets the prestige and honor of having their picture on top of the site representing the Fighting 1:18th.  Occasionally we add additional prizes.

The September Banner Contest featured another razor close vote.  Officer member Fled74 added another Banner Contest Victory and this time by only a single vote! Fled74 secured 35% of the vote.  WVMojo came in second place with 33% of the vote and MMorelock took third place with 24% of the vote.  You can view their banners at the bottom of the page.

As we mentioned earlier,  occasionally we add additional prizes to the Contest.  For the October Contest,  forum member and frequent Banner competitor Footloose has donated a special prize for the Contest.  The additional prize is a G.I.Joe Extreme Sand Striker.  Thanks Footloose!

Rules and Regulations:

1. The submission must be done by the USER and no one but USER.

2. The submission must be in the correct size/aspect ratio: 920px by 322px. You can use any free editing program to crop your image to this size/ratio. Any image submitted outside of this size/ratio will be discarded.

3. The USER submitting the image releases all rights to the submitted image, giving The Fighting 1:18th full usage rights.

4. There will be ONE banner entry, per-person, per-month. If you submit more than ONE entry, all entries will be disqualified. You CAN delete an entry and replace it with another before the end of the month.

5. If there are more than 10 USER’s submitted banners for any given month, there will be a primary “run off” to find our 10 finalists. Details for the run off will be in that thread.

6. You may re-submit a NON-winner banner up to (3) additional times.

7. To submit an entry into the banner contest you must create a NEW thread in the Banner forum with the title “USER’s banner entry for the month of xxxx”. Where USER is your forum name, and xxxx is the upcoming month. Any entries not submitted in this fashion will be discarded.

8.  Please send Major Blood the images for any entries. We will be doing a “blind voting” this time to give it a trial run. If it works out, this will be the standard. Make sure the entry is hosted. If not make sure the dimensions are correct and Major Blood will host it. Dimensions are 920×322


We are fast approaching a new month and look forward to your entries!  Thanks for contributing and making our site even more interactive!

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About Tim Kraemer

Tim is a mook who likes to drink, play video games, and other stuff. He's Monkeywrench on our forums! Buy him a drink, friend for life!

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