Forum member The Willoughbian was kind enough to share with us the technique he uses to make the capes, cloaks, and hoods that he shared with us on his Jedi Pin-Up girl. And so here follows his step by step process, as he takes us through the cloak and skirt for another custom. It’s all very straightforward, and I hope to have the opportunity to give it a try myself!
Check out the tutorial and accompanying images on the following pages!
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This is really fantastic and so are your results. I use a similiar technique that utilizes watered down white glue, but I’m gonna give the acrylic medium a shot. Can you be more specific as to the consistancy of the acrylic or the ratio of water to acrylic? Also, is the finished product completely rigid or does it have some flexibility? What kind of material do you use. I use an old bedsheet, but I’m always open to new sugestions. Thanks for the tutorial. I really enjoyed it and I love your work.