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Review: Lost Planet Ex-Nevec

Review: Lost Planet Ex-Nevec

 118logo144x144NEVEC (NEo VEnus Construction) agents gone rogue. The Ex-NEVEC continue their efforts to stabilize the planet while thwarting the efforts of the New NEVEC to harvest enough Thermal Energy to awaken the gigantic Over-G Akrid and re-freeze E.D.N. III. Ex-NEVEC agents can also equip both the Plasma Gun and a human-modified VS Gatling Gun.

The Ex-NEVEC are a group of rogue NEVEC agents that know that New NEVEC’s real objective is to awaken the Over-G Akrid, collect the Thermal Energy that it will release upon awakening, then abandon the planet as it freezes solid, killing everything on it. NEVEC would then leave to colonize other planets, exploiting them and their people in the same way they exploited E.D.N. III. The Ex-NEVEC commander later attempts to rally all Snow Pirates on E.D.N. III to stop the New NEVEC from succeeding as several of his soldiers work to seize NEOS. They wear the original NEVEC uniform from the first Lost Planet.

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About Anthony Spatucci

I was brought into collecting when the GI Joe 25th anniversary came out. After dealing with repaints and sub par vehicles I started searching around for something a little better. A friend turned me onto the fighting 118th and I started moving towards a more realistic "verse" for my figures. After seeing a few dioramas from members on the site I got the bug for them. There is a certain quality of person that contributes to the site and that is what has kept me coming back. Everyone is honest about what your work can have better and really helps you to get the best out of yourself. I am MAJOR BLOOD on the site.

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