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  1. R

    TRU True Heroes dropping items? MH-47 gone?

    Hi All, I know that the True Heroes toys are neither accurate nor to-scale items, but the MH-47 Chinook toy is a useful aircraft with lots of space and some paintability. The thing is, it's disappeared from the TRU website. True Heroes underwent a clearance recently, at which time I picked up...
  2. R

    Vehicles inside aircraft

    Hi All, I have a bunch of aircraft, some of which might be able to haul vehicles larger than motorbikes. These aircraft include the Toys R Us True Heroes C-130, and the True Heroes (highly irregular but fun) CH-47. Now, in a moment of silly ambition, I planned to fill my C-130 with Bravo Team...
  3. R

    1:18 anti-air vehicles. Anything?

    I checked over the 8 pages of threads of Modern 1:18, and I hope I didn't miss anything, but I didn't see anything on this. Is there anything in 1:18 for an anti-aircraft vehicle, like the Linebacker, something Russian, maybe modern Flakpanzer (I'm not a super expert or anything). Can anyone...