Figures you'd like to see perfected?


Isn't a Gijoe fan
Apr 4, 2012
the land of Virginia
Simple question. With the glory of the Pursuit of Cobra line, and the great remakes from the short lived 30th line, we've had some great figures and some that were just barely held back from being excellent. So, what figures would you like to see perfected? Hasbro has hit the nail greatly with a lot of figures the past year or two. Jungle Duke, V54 Snake Eyes, Renegades Stormshadow, 30th Stalker, PoC Viper and Blue shirt to name a few.
Me personally?

An awesome modern era Firefly that sticks to the original camouflage pattern and whatnot. (Until then, I will stick with my RoC TrU Fly')

Crosshairs! That guy has the look to be a kickass figure.

I want to see a Modern Era Beachhead using the Retaliation basic figure. That whole figure screams BH, too bad it's all that weird tan shit.

Recondo. Sure the PoC version was badass, but I'd love to see a more "Jessee Ventura" look to him.

Hit and Run. Straight up.

Shockwave, or "Shockblast" or what they prefer to call him.

A damn good Flint!

Also Lt. Falcon!

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Falcon. Good Lord, the first one was just awful, and the "Marauders" one just doesn't look like Falcon (more like Flint, who, like Cloud and others have mentioned... I'm pretty sure was originally intended to be a 30th Flint). A POC/30th one would be awesome.

Duke! I second him, we definitely need a good "Sunbow" head sculpt and a redo of the original Duke figure. Sideshow-esque would work.

Hawk. One with the bomber jacket, but alternate heads. Basically, like the Sideshow version, too.

Rock N Roll. The 25th versions were awful. I want either an updated original one with the double belts across his chest, or a modernized version of the V2, which is damned badass. Alternate heads would be nice too. One with a helmet, and one with the ball cap.

Gung Ho. There's not a Joe I want to see updated more than him. The 25th and Resolute ones were a joke. The Resolute one wasn't big enough, and the 25th one is just terrible now.

Heavy Duty. I want an ARAH-esque one, but he doesn't need to be exactly like the old figure. Hints of the same color would be nice, but all I want is the head with the reversed ball cap and some bigass weapon.

Destro. Something ARAH-ish, but a POC update to it. Maybe something evoking that red collar, but not as awful.

Muskrat. He can be made from essentially existing parts. I think we could get a decent one kitbashed from ROC/POC/30th parts, honestly. A new vest and head sculpt would be icing on the cake.

Repeater. I never liked the character, but kind of want more "big gunners" on my Joe team.

Bazooka. The 25th one's torso has been reused to death, and I want to see him in something non-shoot-me.

Spirit. Redone 25th version, but POC-ized.

I could go on all day, but for the most part, most of the 25th figures were okay with some tweaks. These are either characters that were poorly done the first time, or could use a good update.


Apr 13, 2011
i would love to see the cobra hydro-viper from the 1988 series get updated...i really dont think it would be that difficult to realise.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
If they hadn't sculpted on that shitty blue armor you'd all have your 30th Duke. Retaliation Beachehead is probably the best you're gonna get 30th-wise. I bet that color scheme would actually be very effective in the nation's current AO. *shakes head* "weird tan shit", gonna stop there, feelings could get hurt.

I'm gonna be pretty useless in this thread. PoCed Footloose would be my major want, but that's not gonna happen as the Club got it's shitty paws on him.

V.3 Duke. Yeah, I'm tired of his ass, too, but I really dig his V.3 version, anavhronistic puttees and all.

Undertow would be a nice figure to update, granted he they aren't stuck in a wetsuit.

Shockwave, though I really don't see them creating another SWAT-like figure on par with the Shock Trooper.

Wild Bill. The base 25th torso and legs are alright, but he really needs better arms, survival vest and a normal-sized head. Double-holsters need not apply. He's in the custom que but I'm not seeing a lot of useful parts.


Isn't a Gijoe fan
Apr 4, 2012
the land of Virginia
If they hadn't sculpted on that shitty blue armor you'd all have your 30th Duke. Retaliation Beachehead is probably the best you're gonna get 30th-wise. I bet that color scheme would actually be very effective in the nation's current AO. *shakes head* "weird tan shit", gonna stop there, feelings could get hurt.

I didn't mean it as an insult or anything. I would of rather seen him in a more original based color concept. With a retooled vest and a unmasked "sideshow" based head.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Oh gawd...almost ALL of the ARAH 25th line...I mean, it was good...but then PoC and 30th came along...figures like Low Light, Airtight, Viper, Sci-Fi, Lifeline, Techno-Viper for example, instantly making the previous ARAH updates look mostly like Chap Mei trash...

There are some gems in the 25th line...Alpine, Dusty, BAT, Snow Serpent...

The sculpting on the newer stuff is just spectacular, and when the 25th and PoC/30th are displayed together, it's very obvious how bland and simple some of the 25th stuff really is...

And some of the bashes Hasbro used to make some of the 25th stuff was really poor...their part library is so much more vast now, allowing for much better figure accuracy to their ARAH counterparts...


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
You could always grossly overpay for it on eBay and have it "nao".


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I don't think we will. If anything this gives everyone some "gettin' some mo' spendin' money" time.


Aug 2, 2011
Scar-Face, although all the PoC/30th version needs is the scar, red bandana and maybe a trenchcoat. :D