G.I. Joe Classified Series (1:12)


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I expect to see a Baroness strapped over the canopy of Serpentor’s HISS recreation pic once that arrives... :LOL:


"Big Guns"
Serpentor inbound tomorrow... let the Cobra Civil War begin!

Mindbender and Sarge are paid but still unfulfilled at the Pulse. Ship my stuff already! ;) (I'm clearly overdue for some new classified crack...)

Hopefully I'll have time over the t-giving holiday to mess with my selfie head, get the good one onto a Valaverse figure body.

Not sure what name I'll give myself. In 1980-something, I called "my" Steel Brigade figure "Maverick"... because Top Gun, I'm sure, but that was mere months before BF2000 came out with their own Maverick figure (they copied me!;)). It definitely won't be Fumbles or Trouser Snake :laugh:. I've had in mind a custom specialty sub-team with a greek theme, so maybe I'll pull something from mythology... or engineering. Probably not "Storage", "Warehouse", or "River Pirate". :ROFLMAO:

Speaking of engineering names, poor Dial-Tone. He's so outdated, he might as well be called Telegraph. What other Joe names didn't age well? Stalker isn't PC but I don't care, however the winner has to be Skidmark, right?
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Lol, yeah. Skidmark has to take that title. There are plenty of lame and highly outdated code names, particularly from later in the run, but that one can’t escape the 10 year old mind we all still have in there somewhere. You’ll have to determine your character’s role and see what presents itself from there I suppose. Or maybe something local to your area - not sure “Volunteer” is quite gonna do it though! 😆. Is there another local/regional mascot with a cool name?

As for the JoeClass crack, I’m definitely jonesing at this point myself. I was hoping for something(s) to move ahead again to fill the holiday niche, but, as of now, it appears nothing I’ve got pre-ordered is gonna be it. I was going to be doing some travel that was going to offer a chance to do a little hunting, but that fell through, so not even a sniff. I guess I’ll just have to be satisfied enjoying your custom work. No pressure... 😝


"Big Guns"
Sarge shipped this morning after my post, and I expect Mindbender to head to fedex sometime today or tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be able to take some fun pics when they arrive.

Serpentor has never been my fav - In my head, CC will always be in charge of Cobra proper, as I think of Serpentor's organization as some kind of radical offshoot (and Cobra La doesn't exist, unless it's yet another radical offshoot wannabe group of self-mutilating circus freaks, not some ancient predecessor race of snake-bug people). Yet the in-hand pics I've seen of the Serpy figure are damn impressive. I'm more excited than I think I should be about getting that guy.

I'm to the point of needing to free up some shelf space... and I fear SW Black is going to get reduced or eliminated. While I like certain figures, it's by far my least favorite of the current 6-7" lines. It's really fun to photograph the figures with lightsabers and stormtroopers in action (and photoshopping the lighting effects), but as far as shelf presence goes, they elicit less visceral reaction from me than the others. I'm not sure if it's mediocre actor likenesses, less-than-6" scale, or maybe modern SW iterations haven't really kept my love for the franchise as hot as other properties, but I suspect a bunch of SW figures are getting relegated to the bins to make way for all the new classified figs (and S7 Ultimates that should be out soon too).


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Crazy that you ended up with Sarge and I decided to pass. I wouldn’t have seen that one coming! 😆

As for the SW Black figs, I’d probably do the same. The only one I have is the Mandalorean. He looked so cool in the pics, but when he showed up, he was pretty underwhelming. I think it’s the size. Compared to my JoeClass and Marvel figs, he’s downright little. Not very impressive.

I get the choice of making Sarge/Serpentor/Mindbender for JoeClass. They were a big part of the story right at the height of OG Joe’s popularity. I don’t feel the need to own them, but I’m fine with their being included. If they ever decide to produce anything Cobra-La while plenty of important characters get pushed back or left undone, I’m gonna have a hard time with that. That stupid movie storyline is the embodiment of Joe’s shark jump...


"Big Guns"
For me, all three represent not the peak, but the beginning of the end. I think Joe peaked in '85. The Class of '86 is nothing but replacements, the same way everyone in TF's '86 lineup was a replacement for everyone they killed off in the TF movie. I know I've detailed it before:

Clutch/Steeler >> Cross country
Gung-Ho >> Leatherneck
Breaker >> Dial-Tone + Mainframe
Torpedo >> Wet-Suit
Flash >> Sci-Fi
Stalker >> Beachhead
Ace >> Slipstream
Wild Bill >> Lift-Ticket
Doc >> Lifeline
Snowjob >> Iceberg
CC >> Serpentor
Destro >> Mindbender
Baroness >> Zarana

The entire 1986 lineup is second-rate replacements for OG favorites, so they are definitely not at the top of my list. Sarge is just a bullet sponge, an arrogant fool who is the first to take a dirt nap. Good riddance. Mostly it frees up some parts from my Valaverse Sarge to be used in other customs. (and good lord did I hate wrestling; it pissed me off that they even let the stink of WWF get near my beloved franchise of military specialists!)

Serpy and Mindbender are just the top-evil-duo replacements, and they fall short of their predecessors in my mind. But they're still decent characters, and if you're going to have a civil war, you need an opposing side worthy of the altercation. And I like the mad-scientist part of Mindbender's character, a different twist on Destro's weapon's dealer. And if you're going to have a Dr Frankenstein, you need the monster he creates. Seems like part-and-parcel of the whole trope. Plus, I love issues 46-50 of the Marvel run when serpentor gets created. And he's less dramatic and bombastic in the comic than the "THIS I COMMAND" goober in the cartoon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I agree on the part for part replacement argument and that ‘85 absolutely brought some of the best and most iconic characters or versions. I guess though, for me, it was more of “having another” versus just replacement. Sometimes you needed more than one of some speciality or you needed a worthy Cobra rival. Sometimes you needed an option for a certain specialty if you missed or didn’t care for the OG. (No Internet or eBay back then to pick up what you missed, just a trade with a friend if you were lucky).

The new characters were 50/50 for me on which one is better, the original or the replacement. The older were the OG and got all the love in the comics. The new were typically more colorful, (usually) had better accessories, and got the new love on the cartoon. So there were plenty of times I’d keep both on my fire team, if I even owed the original. I really filled out my teams with that batch, and had many more evened out team v. team battles between similarly powerful vehicles, equipment and fighters.

In my mind though, having that whole ‘86 wave to supplement what I had prior just capped it all off. It was the pinnacle. I didn’t realize it right then (I fully expected similar offerings the next year), but it was downhill from there. It was a slow decline at first (a couple last pieces were filled out in ‘87, but Cobra-La came along), but began to spiral quickly into fully lame, repainted and gimmicky after ‘88. Not much was redeemable after that. It was a great run, bit it had run its course.
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"Big Guns"
Yeah, the squad notion was ok, but the toon acted like the previous characters didn't exist, same with TF. Other than Flint and Shipwreck, I don't think any previous characters had any major roles in S2 of the toon. We never saw Stalker and Beachhead do anything. Doc and Lifeline never teamed up to save anyone. Torpedo never joined Wetsuit on an underwater demolition mission. So it never felt like "addition", IMO, but I can see it working out that way on the bedroom floor.

But regardless of how we view '86, there is no argument that it clearly went downhill afterward. I like TunnelRat, Falcon, and Chuckles, but that's when I really learned the notion of cherry-picking. And the inordinate amount of sub-teams that had no real purpose other than a loose visual cohesion really turned me off.

I mean, in the Joe universe, WTF was Tiger Force's mission? How were TF Recondo and Flint supposed to be different than when regular Recondo and Flint went on a mission? I know it was an excuse for repaints, but the narrative that supposedly pushed it was weak. And PP was worse. If that tech worked, why wasn't it on all their stuff, not just this 5% sub-team? And BF 2000.... they had goofy Buck Rogers vehicles that transformed into a hi-tech... rectangle? SMH. I can see Steeler and Clutch rolling their eyes at the noobs and their dorky gimmick.

The best thing to come out of '87 & '88 is the rise of Destro's forces. After that, it became unrecognizable.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Agreed. The ’toon was all about showcasing the new hotness, even sometimes messing that up with unproduced characters like “Sparks” and “Big Lob.” It was there to sell those toys. Any actual story worth watching was more of a bonus.

The gimmicks definitely didn’t serve any real world purpose, other than making use of cheaper production with old molds. The only benefit I saw was to be able to pick up a (mildly inferior) Dragonfly after the original was out of production. Similar for a few figs I either had worn out or never had previously. Other than that, they served zero purpose for me.

I suppose the current addition of TF, PP and SM to the JoeClass has been done for the same reason as back in the day, to create an easy means of cheap production with existing molds, while claiming “new” members in the upcoming waves. They’ll pick up extra sales from the completionists to boot. When the gimmick version comes out first, that makes no sense at all to me.

Now for the most useless figure ever made, that has to be Dress Blues Gung Ho. What was the deal with that?


"Big Guns"
Oh, I know, repaints are the name of the game. Anything to reuse those molds. I owned a few TF figures (Duke, Flint), but the only one I actually bought due to missing the original was Dusty. And I had to take a brown marker to his face, as he wasn't "Dusty" with a plain goofy face. That's a noggin sculpt that should never have made it past QC. He's so frumpy.

At least Night Force had a pseudo purpose... as it's in the name. It's characters in darker/muted decos. I could actually support that even though I don't think I actually owned any. I was always partial to the deco I'd gotten to know the characters in. Everything else was vastly inferior.

But that doesn't explain BF2k. That was a weird sub-team that wasn't a repaint series. It was supposed to be sci-fi, but it looked like 60's sci-fi, not late 80's sci-fi. Shoulder fins, big lollipop helmets, weird square/angular vehicles... they looked anything except cutting edge. They looked more like a team of Jonny Quest villains. I wonder if they weren't trying to capture some 60's Action Team vibes.

Yeah, unless hasbro expected Gung-Ho to be attacked while at a Parris Island ceremony, that really was pointless. I also found arctic Stalker to be pretty dumb. He traded his beret and camo for a toboggan and a kayak? And he also looked like he'd gained about 75 lbs since '82. :LOL:
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Yeah, I honestly don’t remember having any NF either and I have no explanation for BF2000. That made zero sense. I suppose there was a push for toys that linked together to make something bigger. I believe TF was pushing some of that around that time, and of course there was Voltron. But BF2K did it terribly. The only remotely serviceable vehicle was the jet. I can’t recall if I ever had it or my cousin did, but that was it. It was meh, but all the others were worse. And yes, all their deco’s were ridiculous and the system was worthless.

Seems like around that time and after, a ton of the new Joe and Cobra vehicles were doing that stubby, squarish with almost conical wheels look. They went from stuff that resembled high tech military gear to some kind of boxy, cheap looking knock of sci fi wannabe crap. They completely left the stuff that made them huge. It’s really no wonder kids lost interest. It wasn’t what we signed on to.

If you can believe, that Artic Stalker was the only version I ever had of Stalker back in the day. His kit made no sense, but he was one of the very few passable figs from that wave, and I suppose I wanted to own him at least once before I signed off completely. Maybe that was his gear when making his way to SE’s cabin... 😆

Also, I got that crazy RnR with the 4 gatling guns as my first RnR as well, for the same reason. Hasbro wasn’t so good at giving you many options to get OG13 figs if you missed them early on. I never had a Grunt, Breaker, Zap, Scarlett, Cobra Trooper, Cobra Officer or Silver faced CC. I believe I had flash at one point, but I may just be thinking of the Grand Slam I got with the JUMP pack. I just discovered GI Joe as wave 2 was about to drop.
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"Big Guns"
Yeah, the closest you ever got to reissues of those were the red-back mail-away versions of *most* of the early figures.

Of the Class of '82, I originally had Snake-Eyes, Stalker, Scarlett, Grunt, Zap, RnR, Flash, and Clutch, as well as Trooper and Cobra Commander. And I managed to have all with swivel arms except Scarlett and Zap. And I got a Cobra Officer via redback mail-away. It wasn't until a couple of years later that I bought Breaker, Steeler, Hawk, Short-Fuze, and Grandslam off of a "rich kid" buddy who wasn't that into Joe (despite owning a lot of them) and was exiting toys far faster than I was.

I bought arctic Stalker and v3 SE just out of nostalgia (Hey, new versions of guys I know and like!), but not because they were better... or even good for that matter.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I never heard of that red-back option. I got hooded CC, Sarge and Fridge via the regular mail order route, but I think that was it. Well, maybe that goofy Super Trooper too, or maybe my cousin had him. I can’t remember.


"Big Guns"
Yeah, all those toy insert mail away things changed over time, and at some point, you could get a lot of figures you missed at retail. Some of them were Sears or JCP catalog 3-packs or 4-packs of redback figures. But a good chunk of characters from '82-'85 got released in a baggie along the way via direct mail from hasbro or store catalogs.

At one point before the great purge of 2014, I had *most* of the known-to-exist redbacks in addition to my carded collection. Somewhere I have a pic of them all together before I started selling stuff. I'll see if I can find it.

*EDIT* Found it! There is some *rare* stuff in that pic right there. I should have organized them better for the pic, but I was getting ready to take sales listing photos, and I was pissed about it, so I didn't linger.

redbacks IMG_20140919_191432918_HDR.jpg
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Wow, I had no idea! I never had much extra cash back then, but it would have been nice to pick up some of the prominent characters I never had. So were their file cards on the back?


"Big Guns"
Wow, I knew Serpentor was a big boy, but holy smoke.... o_O

He's a stunningly well-done figure. And he's sooooo ARAH that he makes video game CC look extremely dated. I can't wait for the HISS campaign Micky Mouse mold to get a regular logo release.

And while I'm still confident I'll prefer the regular '87 Outback deco, TF Outback is also pretty cool. His gear is well-done, and the sculpt is excellent.


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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Does Serpy come with an alternate helmet? I thought I heard he did, but I might have imagined it.

Yeah, if you are a retro fan, the line definitely seems to be headed that way!


"Big Guns"
Sort of. He comes with a snake head cap that is attached to the cobra hood (which plugs into his back under the cape) AND a cap / hood combo that is two separate pieces. The one-piece looks great, like a real snake... but in that case, he basically has zero head/neck articulation, just looking dead level straight all the time. I suspect 99% of owners will opt for the 2-piece unit, especially since that's how the '86 figure worked anyway. Maybe you'd opt for the 1-piece if you had him in a static throne type display? I dunno.

I failed to even mention the Air Chariot. It's impressive too, much bigger than I had pictured in my head, very proportional to big 'ole Serpy himself.



Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Serpy does look majestic. I’m glad the set is meeting/exceeding expectations!

Yeah, the Zarana thing is weird. I saw her (and likewise only her) supposedly available from GameStop yesterday. Today it’s Dusty, with Zarana listed as out of stock, each priced at $18.99. The distribution on these must be all over the map. Somebody’s could do ok if they time it just right maybe - if GS can actually deliver on it. I’ve got them all pre-ordered, so I’m not stressing, but it did get me to drop by my local GS last night just to see if they were somehow getting new stock. Lol, no.


"Big Guns"
I wasn't expecting this wave before x-mas, so getting any of them is a relative bonus, IMO. Mindbender, Slaughter, and Zarana should be here in a few days, hopefully Dusty and CG aren't far behind. Nice late-year haul. Happy birthday to me ;)

W1 of the S7 Ultimates is also forecast for "any day now", so they may drop in the next few weeks too. Pretty stellar time to be an old-school Joe fan.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
True dat! It’ll be exciting to see what you can do with the S7s. I’d imagine some recreations of some iconic ‘toon scenes may be in order!


"Big Guns"
I need to add on to the house to create a toy-photo studio. I don't have nearly enough room to spread out, build sets and dios, etc. I have like a dozen Extreme Set Pop-Up Dios.... but they're far from pop-up. Once you assemble them, you really don't want to disassemble them. Most of them I've never built b/c I don't have anywhere to put them. 1/12 scale buildings are yuuuuuge. And I have no clue where the MASS device is going to live. What a white elephant I have constructed!
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"Big Guns"
Anyone partake of any good toy BF/CM deals? I couldn't pass up another Stalker and ARAH Roadblock for $15 ea, and I broke down and bought one of the Viper 3-packs for $67. Not sure what I'll do with that officer figure, but he doesn't look like an officer to me. I'll end up making him some kind of specialist, maybe a heavy-gunner or something.

Mindbender and Sarge arrived at the office yesterday... but I've been out of the office, so I'll have those waiting for me tomorrow.

And I grabbed a couple more Pop-up Dios (mansion & subway terminal) that I don't have room for. I also picked up a few random cheap PS4 games... bringing my total of unplayed video games well into the 60s. I'm going to be well-entertained in a few years when the kids go off to college. Only five more years before I learn to fish in Red Dead Redemption II. :laugh:

The problem I have x-mas shopping is looking at all the deals and playing the "one for you, one for me" game. Every cool gadget gets ordered in qty = 2, sometimes three if I think the wife wants one too. Sure, I have the self-restraint to wait, but I know it won't be 40% off later, and that's just wasteful! :LOL:


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
:rolleyes: Of course he is, while I’m away... Have I mentioned how much I despise the way Target has managed their exclusives? I’m actually hoping to stop by a mall where I am that happens to have a Tarjay and a Kmart (blast from the past). I’ll see if I happen across anything interesting there. Who knows? I am in another hemisphere after all...In the meantime, I’ll order him for pickup at my store at home, since it says he’s in stock there. If I don’t find him here, we’ll see if they‘ll hold him until I can get back there to pick him up...
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
No luck in my current location. Glad I‘m not a Joe collector living here, as it would seem likely difficult and expensive. Supposedly Tarjay will hold my Outback until Saturday. I should be able to make it there by then.
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"Big Guns"
Saw croc master in Walmart yesterday it’s a nice set but not my scale.
I hear you. The figures at this scale are the pinnacle of detail and articulation while still being far more reasonably priced than anything larger. It's the faces that really do it for me, as the amount of facial detail in 3-3/4 is just so lacking in comparison.

Yet I'm envious of the *relatively* compact size of dio and display environment set pieces that the 1:18th stuff allows. I still have literal thousands of 1:18 figures and plans for things I want to photograph with them too, but I can't give up that sweet, sweet detail in the 1:12 figures. I guess I'll have to go on collecting both... while making my own 1:28ish Mega Joes.

It's like I can't pick a lane. :ROFLMAO:


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
I hear you I picked up one of the 6” cantina band memberin case I ever get back into animation & want a different option for close up.

But my dioramas take up to much space as it is so going bigger won’t work for me.

(Kitty castle is getting a serious upgrade)


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Is that you on the left? You just need a carbine and you’re all set!

So I got TF Outback today, seems fitting since I just got back from... wait for it... Australia. The old man looks boss with Beachhead’s vest. I had begun to wonder if he’d ever make it to the stores. Thanks for talking me down nacho! 😆

I guess I’ll go cancel my preorder for the redhead. Oh, and my Dusty, CG and Zarana are due to arrive by the 12th now! Merry Christmas to me! 😝
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"Big Guns"
No sweat :). I felt confident with all the PO cancellations, this guy was going to be easy to find in stores, especially since the '87 deco has already been put on the schedule.

Haha no not me, that's the stock head on the new "Blowback" valaverse figure. I was going to work on "me" today, but after opening Mindbender and Sarge, I decided I wanted to take some pics. Been setting up a cool dio this evening so hopefully I can take some nifty photos tomorrow.

I heard that TF Recondo, TF Bazooka, and PP Officer are already hitting in asia, so it might not be long for those as well. Plus, the Zarana, Dusty, CG wave is popping now. Deep Discount and Amazon have already shipped Zarana and the CGs, both should be here mid-week. And Dusty can't be far behind. It's crazy, we went months with practically zero figures coming out, and we're going to end up with nearly a dozen figures released in the last few weeks of the year. WTF Mattel!

Also, I saw this repaint on the book of faces, and it looks pretty nifty. I would have left the hair white just because we're getting the red-head version soon anyway... but eliminating most of the orange in the shirt looks great.

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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Funny you mention that some figs were showing up in Asia. I was supposed to go on to Korea for a week before coming back from this last trip, before that part got scrubbed. I had every intention of going Joe hunting in Seoul on my weekend free day.

As, I mentioned, my little hunt in AUS was completely fruitless, and a little bit of a let down from a nostalgia perspective. Kmart there tries too hard to be Target, and lacks any representation of GI Joe at all. Had Tarjay not held onto or had OB in stock today, I would have been a sad panda at my bad luck. Instead, celebration!

That OB custom is epic!
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"Big Guns"
The Viper 3-pack arrived today too. The regular vipers are definitely a bit darker and more muted than the CI release. Doesn't bother me though. The Viper "officer"... I actually like it more than I thought I would. Still not going to use him in an officer capacity, as I've grown used to the idea of a heavy gunner, but the "off" colors are perfectly ok in-hand. He almost reminds me of the Stinger Driver and looks a lot like the Valaverse Garrison trooper with that grey and red.

The gun variety is nice, and the muzzle-flash effects are pretty cool and will get lots of use.

Still glad I got it on a cyber monday deal, as it's a ripoff at MSRP.