Pickelhaube' s Acid Rain Vehical Contest Entry


Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans
The year is 1947. Hitler is dead (he died back in '45), along with his Nazi regime. Allies have turned into enemies. Planet Earth has turned into World War III. The carnage has escalated to a height that is unimaginable with no end in sight. New weapons have been created in order to achieve the upper hand.

1950: World War III is winding down and the war has reverted to a trench-type warfare. Obviously there will be no victors because the planet is a toxic wasteland due to nuclear and biological weapons of mass destruction.

Asia ( the desert region of Mongolia has spread over the continent ) and Europe are now fighting against each other in a bitter genocidal war trying to wipe each other off the face of the planet.

North and South America have joined the Anglo-European Governments ( Agurts ) in hopes of stemming the tide of slaughter.

The air is so hard to breathe that a respirator is needed, otherwise, only 5 minutes of unprotected breathing will cause certain death.

Mankind has entered the Era of Acid Rain.

Fast forward to the year 2014.

Strangely, a loaf of bread is almost impossible to obtain, but weaponry is high in abundance and can be found almost anywhere. Machinery and weapons have advanced with the times, but now there are two types of enemies on the battle front: man and the environment.

There is no such thing as high-technology only low tech. As the war has dragged on the only thing that is left to wage war are old, wrecked weapons of destruction left over from years-gone-by . Due to resources being exhausted , spare metal that has been lying around for years corroding in the Acid Rain atmosphere is the only thing left to continue the war of survival.

After decades of war there has been no time to clean the battle field. Trying would be sheer suicide. So how do you move about ? Solution go up and over. As in WW 1 almost 100 years ago the British made a new wonder weapon . The tank , now in the new time of war there is another wonder weapon , the Jaeger Trench Raider.

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gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Okay, first, that is ridiculously AWESOME!...those grabber type arms out front are killer!

Secondly, I KNOW there have got to be more pics than that...I need to see it head on...


Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans
Here are more pics.

The backhoe arm is just that.

It is used to move stuff out of the way and burry bad things.

The other " claw " is a power shear used to cut things and and forward hampering barbed wire.

I am having major issues with pic down loading. My camera does not want to connect with the computer. I had my Son take these pics with his phone. The large pics took FOREVER TO DOWN LOAD.
So he made them smaller . They down loaded easier but again they were SMALLER


The tank measures 13 inches tall that scales up to 20 feet tall in 1:1 scale !!!!!

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Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans
I forgot to describe the tank.

I used the idea of the spider tank because I would think that the battlefield will be a tough place to move around. So up and over. The spider idea looks cool but it would have been a slow mover so vehicle defences would be paramount . So that is where the gun pods come in. The gunners would have an overview in their field of fire to take care of any infiltrators.

The nose gunner / driver has the busiest job on the vehicle he operates the vehicle along this the front arms . He is also backed up by the tank commander who can oversee what is happening around him and is equipped with dual controls .

The vehicle is manned by 7 crew members . Nose gunner / driver , main gun loader , main gun gunner , left and right pod gunners , rear defence gunner and the tanker commander.

The figures are incomplete missing their air hoses and other details . So they they will have to do as is because of time restraints.

Sorry for the low quality pictures. I had to get the pics up because my son is working all next week as well as me and this Memorial weekend was the only time I had to finish it up. There are a few things more that I would have liked to done but no time. My computer is not accepting my camera for some reason and I had to use pics from my Son's phone.

I painted my walker using the preshade method using darker paint on the panellines and edges then painting over with the main colors. ( because the quality of the pics you can not tell )

I intended to do some heavy rusting but I simply did not have the time and a semi factory fresh will have to do.

I made almost everything on the model mainly by scratch. I make the Tiger II turret and guns so I poured those . The only thing that I did not make were the nuts , bolts , screws and bottle caps that I used to cap off the leg spindles. The small round things on the side of the legs .

I went for the tan version scheme used on the Acid Rain line . With corresponding green for the smaller pieces. I used the , 88 on the sides which are a common number used on the AR ( Acid Rain ) plus the cannons are 88's !!!

The skull I copied from the figure pics that I enlarged to size cut through and made a template. Then I stippled the white paint to make it look like roughly painted but you can't tell in the pics.

The skull actually looks like the skulls of one of the aliens in the movie ' District 9 ' or maybe the Phantom .

Well there it is guys lots of work and it is very impressive sitting on the coffee table. Now what do I do with it after my wife tells me it has to go ?
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Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans
Thanks guys. It was a lot of work probably about 60 hrs worth of work and a full 2 days for the paint scheme . Although it is hard to see do to the pics.

Damn computer .

sgt goat

Mar 25, 2014
absolutely awesome PH! this would rock asa production piece IMO.. bad ass concept, top notch scratch build .. i hope ye get time to finish off the paint job on it
I smell winner all over this beast !


Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans
Thanks guys.

A buddy of mine sent me a picture of this. I tell you if I had seen it I may just have copied it.

But I think mine with the gun parapets captures the Acid Rain theme just a little bit more.

But it is way cool !!!!

Just needs double cannons .



gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Well, I mean, was yours an inspiration for his, or did it already exist when you made yours, just coincidentally?


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
I think it is...they both have their sweet spots...I do not like the foot pads on the 3d render...so I'm glad you didn't end up going with the feet you considered...