The Great[ish] Giveaway!

Best Arnold movie?

  • Total voters


Mar 13, 2011
Southern California

Sometime(s) between this week and later weeks I shall be giving away portions of my toy/collectibles collection.

We recently moved, and I recently realized I have entirely too much stuff. Just.. stuff.. everywhere. I need to downsize, stick to only a few lines.. etc.

So with that being said..

(#1): My 1:18th stuff is likely staying put, if anything it'll be the last to go.

(#2): The giveaways will be totally absolutely 100% positively FREE!*

* "FREE" offer only available in Lithuania+.

+ J/K^

^ Items will be free, just pay actual shipping + handling.

(#3): Items will all be from my collection, some Marvel Legends, Star Wars, ARAH Joe stuff, miscellanous, etc. I don't even really know, I need to go through so many bins. I will be setting stuff aside, taking a picture and posting a link.

(#4): First one to send me a complete PM wins the shizz! People can win mutable times, there is no limit.

(#5): Most of the stuff will be New-In-Box, but don't anticipate MINT condition, event though most of it is probably close, it's been moving around with me a number of times now, and hey, it's free.

(#6): Potato.

(#7): I will be posting the new bundle threads around the forums. Some will be in Officer-only sections, but the majority will be available to anyone. I did this because K-Tiger is a cheap twat.

(#8): Fighting 1:18th SWAG may also be included as I find stuff. The first bundle gets XOC2008's USB dogtag that I never sent him.°

° No, they don't.

(#9): Any questions not answered in this post may be answered via PM or by asking in this thread.

(#10): Submission guidelines will be included in each bundle thread, they will likely change to prevent people from 'cheating', and because I'm a dick.

(#11): If you really, really want a certain item or a certain category of item, be sure to PM me ahead of time so I can make sure to disqualify you from all bundles.

Basic entry guidelines:

* You MUST be a Fighting 1:18th Forum member [In GOOD standing].
* You MUST have a PayPal account to cover shipping costs.
* NO 'gobacksies'.
* International members allowed, just be prepared to cover the high shipping costs/I take no responsibility for shitting international shipping.
* PEN15
* You MUST have at LEAST 50 qualified posts to be considered. Shitposting and/or spamming posts will not be counted.
* Be Excellent to each other

Okay I think that covers it.. mostly. Basically I don't want to hassle with eBay, and I think it's ridiculous to sell them for $0.50 at a garage sale.. and people always say you feel better when you give stuff away so.. we'll see?

Protip #1: First bundle will probably go live sometime tomorrow.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
What is a "complete" PM?

And the best Arnold movie is Eraser...obviously.


Caution: Troll Ahead!
Mar 14, 2011
Plainfield, IL
What is a "complete" PM?

And the best Arnold movie is Eraser...obviously.

As in follows the instructions for each giveaway post verbatim rather than do what Eddie does, which is kind of following the rules, and usually letting someone else do some of the work for him. ;)


Mar 13, 2011
Southern California
Congrats to all the winners!!! That was fun!!

Just kidding.. sorry this has been a little delayed due to us, in California, getting this really weird precipitation thing from the sky. I think our ancient forefathers used to called it "Ryan".. or "Rien".. or "Rain". Not sure, it hasn't been spotted in a while.

But since everything is wet, I can't drag my shit out of the garage. Should clear up today and this weekend so things will start...



Mar 13, 2011
Southern California
Question...what in the heck is the poll for?


What is a "complete" PM?

For example.. I may post something like:

BUNDLE #69 available now!
First to PM me with the correct info gets it!

Send me:

Your name:
Your address:
6 + 3 - 9 * 6 + 45 = ?

And the first one to submit the correct info wins! It won't be math, since I hate math, but usually it'll be something stupid that at least makes people submit a fresh entry, giving everyone a chance.

NSA, let me know if you still want to sell me the stuff we discussed. Otherwise, I'm stoked to play your evil little game.:popcorn:

I don't think any of the 1:18th stuff is going to be included here, but hopefully the Indy stuff should turn up once I'm done so I can get those to you.


Officer X
Jul 16, 2014
Center Moriches, NY
Most of all I'm sweating that van. Please give me first dibs if you still want to part with it and it turns up. Thank you.


For example.. I may post something like:

BUNDLE #69 available now!
First to PM me with the correct info gets it!

Send me:

Your name:
Your address:
6 + 3 - 9 * 6 + 45 = ?

And the first one to submit the correct info wins! It won't be math, since I hate math, but usually it'll be something stupid that at least makes people submit a fresh entry, giving everyone a chance.

I don't think any of the 1:18th stuff is going to be included here, but hopefully the Indy stuff should turn up once I'm done so I can get those to you.


Apr 11, 2015
About ten years ago a guy here in Houston decided to grow up and gave away his collection so long as we came and got it. I must've taken four beer cooler-sized tubs of vehicles from that guy. It saddens me to realize I've now got about as much stuff he had.