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Ages 25 and Up Rewind #2

Ages 25 and Up Rewind #2

File #39 “Black Ops Part Two”


My first impression on Part Two is the out door shots which to a long time reader of the comic was a big surprise.  This was the first time that has ever happened.  Next up was the continuation of the serious tone and of course the shot of Firefly at the end.  That is still my favorite Firefly figure ever to this day.  It would also be criminal of me not to mention the panel with Dusty carrying Beachhead to safety.  What a great shot.  Ready for the conclusion?  Check out Part Three:

File #40 “Black Ops Part Three”


In this final part we were treated with more out door shots, a longer story, some fantastic accessories and some old school vehicles.  Not to mention the cliff hanger ending with the super cool hologram Cobra Commander.  We also got the one and only joke of this entire story arc right at the very end!

Check out what Numbers has to say about the final part of the story:

How does Firefly’s gun, which is matte black and not shiny metal reflect the sunlight in Part Three? The sunlight off the scope, maybe? I don’t know. That was clearly just there to push the plot along. And yeah, I know my vehicles are way-hey-hey incomplete, but I lampooned that rather decently, no?

If I’m not mistaken, this was the first time I’ve shot a comic outdoors. I was concerned about scale: wouldn’t grass look terrible? Wouldn’t plants look huge? So I shot in a bed of dirt with some small leafy plants, seen in Part Two. The vegetation in Part Three looks like something out of Jurassic Park. Well, at least I know better now.

Check out the next page for my final thoughts and how you can learn more about Ages 25 and Up Here

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About Tim Kraemer

Tim is a mook who likes to drink, play video games, and other stuff. He's Monkeywrench on our forums! Buy him a drink, friend for life!

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  1. Aww yeah.

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