Home > 1:18 Scale Reviews > McFarlane’s Halo Marine Infantry
McFarlane’s Halo Marine Infantry

McFarlane’s Halo Marine Infantry

What is this?

Halo figures on a 1:18 scale site?

Have we lost our minds or does McFarlane’s Marine Infantry actually have a place in our collections?

Please read on to find out!



For those of you familiar with the campaign portions of the Halo games, you might recognize the lowly Marine as an object that gets in your way, takes his sweet time climbing onto your Warthog or as a mobile weapons crate.

Only in Halo Wars did the Marine become an asset and he has now earned his very own action figure to cement his place in history.



As with most McFarlane Halo figures that I have seen, the sculpt seems to be their #1 priority.  The Marine Infantry continues this tradition for better or worse, offering an attractive and highly detailed figure.  From the helmet, to the backpack and all the way down to the shin guards, this infantry man sports enough details to attract the ladies, or in this case, the grown men that haunt toy aisles late at night.

The helmet is a separate piece that is glued onto the head.  As much as I want to tear it off and peak underneath, I’ll have to wait until I find a few more incase the removal destroys the figure.  Nice little details are sculpted onto the helmet including rivets, earpieces and a mic that fits so snug, I thought it too was glued to the face.

The backpack appears to be that of a radioman with a flexible antenna, LCD display, 18-button keypad and an old-fashioned handset.  The detailing continues with various knobs, switches and what appears to be a hard bedroll at the bottom.

The armor has many rivets, straps, buckles and molded body panels.  All of these panels fit well, none of them deformed or useless.  It certainly fits the part of any generic Space Marine from Aliens to Starship Troopers.

Under the armor is the best sculpted uniform I have yet to see on a figure of this size. (I forgot to measure him, but he stands just over 4” as you can see in the pictures.)  The seams of his uniform are all double-stitched, mimicking the pockets and pouches expected on any modern military uniform.  The baggy folds of the fabric are also captured perfectly and the boots even have laces.


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About Ron Blehm

One comment

  1. Very cool stuff!

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