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Custom Vehicles – 9SFG(A) – Special Operations HMMWV

Custom Vehicles – 9SFG(A) – Special Operations HMMWV

This is a custom HMMWV that I did last year, it was the most involved of the customs that I did at that time, and finally got around to adding it to the website!

I’ve done a bunch of other HMMWV models, and during research I saw a photo of a “spec ops” type HMMWV and knew I wanted to make it, but I knew it’d be a LOT of work, it ended up taking me a little over a week to go from start to finish, which wasn’t too bad I don’t think.

This is my M1025 “Special Operations” HMMWV. It was used in my 9SFG(A) Diorama which is also posted on the site. I was going for a highly modified HMMWV, used somewhere between the invasion of Afghanistan and the invasion of Iraq.

It is based on the 21st Century Toys M1025 “TOW” HMMWV. Here is what it started off looking like, and what my inspiration was.

I did the following modifications:

* Everything? Haha
* Replaced TOW launcher/mount with M2 .50 cal mount/storage.
* Removed all the doors, windows and back hatch.
* Added stowage-netting to back doors and back gate-area.
* Added movable M249 SAW mount/gun on back bed.
* Added passenger M60 mount/gun.
* Added SATCOM antenna.
* Added Laptop & 2nd radio to interior.
* Added a BUNCH of interior stowage. (MRE’s, Watercans, Packs, Bedding, etc)
* Added fabric camo rolls/sand protection.
* Added push bar to front.
* Added outside stowage (packs, rope, gear, etc).
* Pained camo/weathered/dirtied it up inside and out.

Here is what I ended up with after all was said and done!

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About Paul Ernst

CEO, Editor-in-Chief, Forum Admin, All around "great" person. I've been doing this for over 10 years now!

One comment

  1. This is an excellent custom because the BBI Hummer he used will have it’s roof collapse when you remove the rear doors from it not including the perfect custom effects he added to it. A perfect custom in my eye!!

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