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X Review: Alley Viper

X Review: Alley Viper


The Alley Viper has had 13 incarnations since 1989(not including the Resolute version.) This makes number 14, and they seem to have come full circle going right back to the garish colors once again. The Alley Viper has been released single carded, packaged with vehicles, part of several two-packs, and with the Cobra Strike Team – Urban Division and Defense of Cobra Island box sets.

Here’s a couple comparison shots with the most recent figure to compare it to, the POC Alley Viper:


From the classic filecard:

‘The ALLEY VIPERS are the Cobra equivalent of a police S.W.A.T. unit or British S.A.S. (Special Air Service). They form the spearhead of Cobra’s inner-city invasion forces. This elite contingent of marauders are true masters of brutality, possessing a style of ruthlessness not present in other Cobra soldiers! Recruited from Cobra’s most diabolical combat divisions, Alley Vipers use various forms of treachery to achieve their objectives! In order to graduate from their training program, they are required to survive a full burst of machine gun fire across their frontal body armor, execute a thirty foot jump onto concrete with full combat load and run down a hundred meter gas-filled corridor without a gas mask!

“Alley-Vipers are big and strong as well as ruthless! Their body armor alone weighs 50 pounds and they carry at least 30 pounds of weapons, ammo, grenades and climbing gear. You definitely don’t want one of these gorillas running up and kicking your door down!”‘


From the Retaliation “filecard”:

‘The evil ALLEY VIPER is an expert at urban combat. He glides high above the city on a zip line to ambush his unsuspecting enemies. He is equally at home on rooftops, dark alleys, and underground sewers, always ready to attack!’

Yep. To give the zip line some real context, they absolutely turned the Alley Viper into, basically, a ninja. What the hell, Hasbro?!

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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

One comment

  1. i was so excited about this figure and wanted 10 like the others, but as soon as i got it i was like, nvm. this thing is trash.. so this and the dark ninja quickly became a NO to my army building.

    i’m glad though, i really cant afford to army build this line except will make way for night viper.
    i’m just gonna save my money to army build the damn tomahawk.. and just buy a few indivisual characters upon release. not sure what other army builder is in this line, hopefully not many says me wallet.. what, your wallet don’t talk? mine’s empty, so it’s constantly flappin’..

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