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X Review: Lightning Bolt Hammer Thor

X Review: Lightning Bolt Hammer Thor

I’ve yet to see this movie, so it will be difficult for me to give a good answer one way or another as to how faithful these figures are to their on-screen counterparts. Today, we’re going to start off with “Lightning-Bolt Hammer Thor“! Ah, yes, the gimmicks return. However, I was pleased to see that the gimmicks were restricted to much more related-to-the-character accessories, and kept their size to scale to the figure. A rare thing, considering this IS Hasbro, after all.

More Lightning-Bolt Hammer Thor inside, so take a look!


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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

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