Home > Editorials > Ages 25 and Up Rewind #4
Ages 25 and Up Rewind #4

Ages 25 and Up Rewind #4

I personally enjoyed this comic for many reasons. I liked the dirty humor and the making fun of the Rise of Cobra movie the most. This comic brought fun and enjoyment during one of the darker times to be a G.I.Joe fan. You would have to think that being a Cobra Viper would be difficult. Lack of direction, can’t aim worth a damn, and you get little respect. At least you get to hang out with the Baroness though!

The Ages 25 and Up Rewind has only begun and we will continue to bring you updates each month. Can’t get enough of Ages 25 and Up? Check out the dedicated thread with all of the 200+ files Here

The Fighting118th wants to give a big Thank You to 1337W422102 for sharing his talents with us and you can visit his blog Here

Join us next month when we feature another classic Ages 25 and Up story!



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About Tim Kraemer

Tim is a mook who likes to drink, play video games, and other stuff. He's Monkeywrench on our forums! Buy him a drink, friend for life!

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