G.I. Joe Classified Series (1:12)


"Big Guns"
Viper, Bludd, Zartan, and Baroness are the most pleasing/accurate to my eyeballs straight out of the package.

Beachhead is tolerable, but I really dislike the shin-guards that look like they have some kind of wicker vents in them (they're worse than the basic shin guards we have to suffer through on everyone else). And the lack of camo on his pants is just lazy. I just got my 2nd one, so I'll probably be doing an ARAH mod project on him like I did Firefly, Scarlett, Duke, LJ, and Flint.

Mostly I can't wait until more figures like Breaker are ubiquitous so I can buy a bunch and scavenge their laced-up boots for the rest of the team. Those shin guards are worse than the kneepads and gold accents, which can mostly be covered up with paint, but shin guards just make the whole team look like they're playing soccer later.


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
Funny because BH’s chunky boots with knife strapped to it are what makes me love him so much. Played with my Viper tonight and his stupid solid backpack makes him so back heavy that I want to throw him in the trash. Baroness’ bike is so much worse than I thought that I’m seriously considering returning her without even opening the package.

Vipers really are such a stupid design…



Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
No no no, the goggles go up on the helmet. And stay on the helmet. They live up there. They’re just for decoration. They’re flair. Flair I tell you!!! 😝 Nah, they never made sense except to bring some kind of contrast to that otherwise boring helmet.

And the scarf? Three words: not. retro. accurate. Two more words: boring. grey. If it were bright red, maybe... 😆 I tossed that thing without even putting it on.

Only thing missing are a good set of shin guards 😂 (though honestly, shin guards kinda work on shock troops). Maybe Nacho can swap some lower legs on his customs so both figs work better?
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Love the creativity! I think you need to get those cartoony figs to compliment it though. Are those the 7” ones? There are suddenly so many I can’t keep them straight.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I had forgotten about that one. I wish they would have given him a reasonable M240 type LMG rather than that Corps looking cheapo minigun. That would have looked 100% better than the gun they gave any version they have released so far.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Even the M2 doesn't really make sense unless he's posted up somewhere with a tripod. The most legit gun they ever gave him was that silver MG with the neon green vest version back on the day. I never much cared for that version of RB, but at least he was more mobile (and his head was not quite as egg shaped as the original). Even a (Predator) Dillon-like smaller minigun with backpack and feed belt would have been sweet. I guess the repurposing of the RAM gun was significantly cheaper, though not a great sign for this line since that hasn't been the norm so far.

Not sure if I'm liking the way the line has started trending in the latest batch...


"Big Guns"
Anything is better than the sci-fi Halo gun he got in wave 1. And I think the M2 is appropriate given that was the absurdity of the character, that he was so damn big that he could manhandle a gun that should be on a tripod. That's the punchline. Trying to make him just a regular schmuck with regular gear diminishes the character, IMO.
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Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
It hurts, but sadly, it's par for the course until this line finds more stable footing. I hope AMZ ordered a lot of these, as they normally have plenty when they do exclusives in other lines.

They'll probably be $10 on black friday, but who is going to take that gamble?
Not me after their Earthrise Seekers sold out immediately, never came back and now cost $200-$300 to acquire. Double the price seems like a bargain.


"Big Guns"
Agreed, no way I'm chancing it.

I ordered one RB when they first dropped, and hours later after they sold out, I still had the page open and it let me order another while people were lamenting missing out. I can't explain it. If they both show up tomorrow, I'll have a good laugh. But if any of our core group needs one, I'll gladly help a brother out.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I thought he came on the scene really quick and easy by current GIJC standards! Too good to be true I guess. I wonder if they had inventory problems like everybody else. I hope your RB comes in the not too distant future.

I am really Jonesing for more Joes 'cause mine are outnumbered. Too many good Cobras and not enough Joes! I can't add BBQ to my strike team as he'd stick out like a sore thumb. I have no need for any bikes and no real use for a non-modernized Breaker. I won't pay more than retail for a Duke (either version). And I can't find a version of RB that looks remotely like a functional trooper. Stupid rail guns with no ammo pack or accessories or a monster mini gun ain't gonna work with my setup.

I have no use for any of the Snake Eyes figs except for maybe Scarlett, just 'cause she's a little cooler looking than the original. Not sure I could really replace that one though, since she's more like the classic. And that doesn't build my Joe squad at all anyway.

C'mon Hasbro! Make some more Joes and make them cool and well outfitted!!!

Anybody got any news or even rumors of the next batch?


"Big Guns"
I don't think there's been a peep about anything since the reveal of Pulsecon Zartan.

I'm picking up Barbecue, despite being one of my least favorite 82-85 Joes. He won't have a role on the active roster, but gotta have some support staff to chill at the base, check the extinguishers and sprinklers, etc. I can put him in charge of PSA development. ;)

And as for Breaker, I'm thrilled at the basic figure without a massive pouchy vest and shin-guards. He's exactly what I want for an OG Joe (aside from needing basic webgear rather than the harness that looks like it belongs to ShortFuse). I just hope we get the rest of the 82 squad in that style. While I know that's not your cup-o-tea, I'd think he'd still suffice for a back-at-HQ comms guy. That was basically his role back in the day anyway. I struggle to recall a time in the toon when he appeared outside the big control room.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Agree totally. I wish they had OG and Modernized running concurrently. Even it was just a couple released at a time, say OG/Modern Duke, OG/Modern RB and OG/Modern Destro, then 3 more 6 months later. Their mixing versions with different figs makes them hard to team up and display together and makes non-hardcore collectors simply skip figs they would normally want if they were made in their preferred genre.


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
I don't think there's been a peep about anything since the reveal of Pulsecon Zartan.

I'm picking up Barbecue, despite being one of my least favorite 82-85 Joes. He won't have a role on the active roster, but gotta have some support staff to chill at the base, check the extinguishers and sprinklers, etc. I can put him in charge of PSA development. ;)

And as for Breaker, I'm thrilled at the basic figure without a massive pouchy vest and shin-guards. He's exactly what I want for an OG Joe (aside from needing basic webgear rather than the harness that looks like it belongs to ShortFuse). I just hope we get the rest of the 82 squad in that style. While I know that's not your cup-o-tea, I'd think he'd still suffice for a back-at-HQ comms guy. That was basically his role back in the day anyway. I struggle to recall a time in the toon when he appeared outside the big control room.
Just give me Grunt and I’ll shut up about green shirts. Old ass M-16 and dinky backpack please.


"Big Guns"
Just give me Grunt and I’ll shut up about green shirts. Old ass M-16 and dinky backpack please.
I definitely want that, but I need camo Stalker, ShortFuse, Flash, & Grandslam too. Not to mention all the drivers. But I assume we'll get them all. Most are very basic repaints that would take minimal effort. But that also means half of them will be exclusives we'll have to pay double for.

This is the only line I can recall that has been around for over a year and has more exclusive figures than main releases. I don't mind an occasional SDCC figure for hype purposes, but when the majority of the output is a challenge to obtain, something is rotten in denmark.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Wow, I didn't realize there were that many exclusives. I've only pursued the Target ones. Yeah, the previously rare Vipers, CI Troopers and Baroness have all been available since I ordered my FF. Seems like they must have been stuck on the cargo ships off the coast for a while or something. I shall refrain from complaining about production amounts, at least for now. :LOL:

I'm actually hoping the Baroness cycle goes on clearance at some point. I really don't want to have to pay for the stupid bike, but the figure seems worth having, despite the granny glasses (if I end up getting one, I will ping Nacho for a lead on how to get a decent pair). Plus, the guns that come with the set might be handy to pass around as needed. I would like to see the army builders go without having to clearance them though. Anybody buying a ton to AB or scalp should pay full price on all of them like the rest of us. :mad:

Oh, a well-done Stalker sounds epic! Please no more troopers, at least until after a ton more Joes get done. I hope they can give us a decent SS. I dislike the SEO movie one (too plain), at least from what I have seen of it. I would love a modernized camoed Joe SS version with a combo of ancient and modern weapons (sword, bow/arrows and an MP7 or the like), a strike teammate for SE! Heck, get the old LRRP team back together with Stalker, SE and SS!


"Big Guns"
I could go for an LRRP 3-pack!

As for Storm Shadow, his classic white deco is all I need. I really prefer my Joe with only a hint of ninja rather than giant train-car loads of ninja. I like the Articulated Icons SS that I cobbled together. Sure, he's probably a smidge short, but Tommy is japanese and would arguably be a little on the small side compared to an average Joe, so I really have no issue with it. The '88 camo version is ok, but I'm not dying for one.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
That one was always my favorite because that's when he was the best detailed (IMO) and had returned to fight alongside SE again. Together, they were unstoppable. The raid on CI together was one of my favorite storylines from the comics. They cut through troopers like scythes!

I could stand for a (my dream) version of SE with a similar deco, but somewhat darker. With white as a tertiary color instead of the primary one. I know that was his signature color originally, but not very practical on the battlefield.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Dang! I could have sworn that was the new deco. I had to check with my daughter (who read through the series last summer - 30 years more recently than I did 😝), but you are 100% right! I mixed it up with the revenge raid to get Zartan.


"Big Guns"
Dang! I could have sworn that was the new deco. I had to check with my daughter (who read through the series last summer - 30 years more recently than I did 😝), but you are 100% right! I mixed it up with the revenge raid to get Zartan.
How have you let 30 years go by without re-reading the first 76 issues?! I try to get back to them every 6-8 years, and I'm about due for another go-round.

Please tell me you've read the series at least once?!